Ok, chances are my avi doesn't look like the avi I used in my sigs. That's because unless you're constantly changing your avi's look, it's totally pointless to be here.
Life: Business is starting to slow down at work, so I'm going to have to find a second job to cover the lost income. The only thing that makes that hard is that my car is busted again. This time it's the brakes. On the drive into work yesterday I noticed that they were a little soft, so I made a mental note to get it checked out tomorrow. Well when I came back out to my car at the end of my work day I went to put on the brake as I shifted from park to drive....and my foot went straight to the floor! eek My brake line was totally empty. So there I was, a good half hour drive from home with no brakes. So I had to wait an hour and a half for AAA to come tow me. So now I'm ridding the bus for a few days, should be fun.....NOT!
School: Six more weeks until graduation, boy I can't wait. Not a whole lot left except some labs, a test, a paper, and two finals. Right now I'm working on a program that reads a flat file (text file) and converts the data into an organized format (XML) that can then be displayed neetly in a web browser. It's pretty easy really except I'm haveing major problems getting my converter program to compile. stressed Oh, and it's due Tuesday. gonk