Name: Ashina
Alias: Amy
Physical Description
Age: approximately 233 years
Height: 5' 0"
Weight: about 115-120lbs
Hair Color: long and red
Eye Color: blood red
Skin Tone: pale white
Markings: she has a number of various tattoos that are as follows:
* Right ankle: anklet of butterflies and above it a spiral with a leaf in it
* Left ankle: Japanese kanji for love inside an hourglass
* Left calf: butterfly
* Right thigh: white dragon with blue eyes
* Lower back: tribal butterfly
* Right shoulder blade: angel holding a pictureframe, outside the frame is skeletal
* Stomach: pierced naval, moon with three stars tattooed around
* Left breast: red rose
* Right bicep: black dragon with red eyes
* Right wrist: sideways 69
* Left bicep: snake
* Left wrist: lightbulb
* Back of neck: tribal sun
It is important to note that Ashina can control the visibility of her tattoos, making them disappear into her skin and reappear when desired.
Race: Demon
Type: Elemental
Demon Class: lower S
Ashina comes from a realm parallel to this one, inhabited by demons of all different kinds. There are two main types of demons: those based on animals and those based on nature. This is somewhat self-explanatory. Any demon based on an animal is going to take on some traits of that animal and that can include appearances. Most of these demons have a form that can pass as human and a form that is purely of their animal. Some are a combination of animal and human.
Natural demons are sort of the same.
There are 5 elements in this world: Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Lightning. Most natural demons can control one of these elements in their entirety. Some demons are a combination of two elements, although that limits their control over specific areas. For instance, a water and fire demon can no longer create fire, but they can control it. Nor can they change their form to that of pure liquid, but they still retain the ability to control the flow of water.
Elemental demons are rare, due to their specific makeup. An elemental demon is a combination of all 5 elements and can only be born when one elemental has a child by another elemental. Any other race would throw off the balance in the child. Elemental demons have the capacity to control all 5 elements in their entirety as well as unlock the ability to control two more "hidden" elements: those of Magic and Spirit. Magic comes in two forms: Arcane (old school magic) and Modern (mostly directed through a wand.) Spiritual Energy comes in 4 forms: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Clairvoyance and Hypnosis.
Ashina has trained very hard to unlock all her abilities, and is currently working on unlocking the last two pieces of Spiritual Energy. This makes her a lower S class in the world, and a member of demon Nobility.
All demons all have classes, ranging from F to S, and each class has three levels. Most demons aspire to become at least a B class. Your class marks your ability as a fighter and your ability to survive in the fight-or-flight world of the demons. The higher your class, the higher your respect.
The highest class (Upper S) is known as the Elders, and they are the "government" of the world. Any demon between lower A class and Elder is called a Noble. Nobles are the only ones who own land and have a considerable fortune on top of it.
Abilities and Skills:
Apart from her natural demon abilities, Ashina is trained in a lot more.
Elementals are known wanderers. They live in nomadic tribes of no more than 200 and roam the vast forests and plains of the world. They still, however, train the way the rest of the demon world does. So at the age of 5 or 6, Ashina was sent with the other demons her age to the local Noble to learn how to fight. Ashina was trained in what we would call mixed martial arts, although she just shrugs her shoulders at the term.
At the age of 13, she graduated on to learn weapons. Each demon chooses a weapon that they grow to excel in, but Ashina could not find one. She was first trained with Kunai and throwing daggers, which her father thought fit her, but even though she was good, it didn't quite fit. Her grandfather, continuing on the thought of a two-handed weapon, thought that Sai might fit her better. She did better with the weapon but it was obvious the fit wasn't right. It was her mother that suggested what ultimately became her weapon: the Steel Fans.
Ashina's two fans are based on the concept of light and dark. One fan is a rough, black steel. The other one is highly polished and looks rather silvery. When they were put in her hands for the first time, it was like finishing a puzzle. She has a 100% kill rate with them.
Apart from her formal training, Ashina trained certain parts of herself. Every demon has certain natural senses that are stronger than a humans. Demons naturally have better hearing, better eyesight and a better sense of smell. They are stronger, faster, and more agile than humans. Ashina worked very hard on her sense of smell and her speed and agility. As a result, she has as good a nose as a dog demon and is faster and more agile then most others of her race.
NOTE: Demons also have better immune systems than humans, but this has its downside. Demons are faster at healing and are much more resistant to infections and the like. But if they do get sick, it is much worse than a human sickness. A simple cold for a human is pneumonia to a demon. So while demons are more resistant to things like cancer or HIV, if they do manifest then the disease kills much quicker.
Ashina was born to two elemental demons on about July 7, 1776. All elemental demons are born at a upper D class, which is slightly higher than most other demons. At age 5, she began her formal training, graduating from hand-to-hand combat to weapons at the age of 13. By the age of 16 she was well versed in how to fight and was officially turned out of her home to begin training in her demon powers. She spent five years training for each element, beginning with her birth element: water. She was 41 when she completed her basic elemental training, making her a lower A class. She was granted the title of Noble and given a large parcel of abandoned land in the middle of a dense forest on the western lands of the world.
She worked for several years to make her lands habitable, for the home she was given and the lands around it had fallen into disrepair. While covering the forest around her lands, she crossed over into the lands of a Lord who lived to the south of her. This high powered dog demon, while first being an enemy to Ashina, has slowly become her closest friend and ally. They attended quite a few demon functions together, including the Dark Tournament, where Ashina met her first mate. He is the only demon in the world she would die for, and he is made of half fire and half ice. He is not, however, her first love. Her first love was a water demon who was assassinated. (It is important to note that Ashina is polyamorous. She has many lovers and 8 mates (the equivalent of a marriage in the demon world.))
When Ashina was about 80, she finally found the witch that could teach her Arcane Magic. Through learning this magic, Ashina learned how to create portals. Portals can teleport a being from one plane of existence to another. Most of the time, portals are used for any demon below an A class to access the human world. Ashina's wanderlust, however, is much greater than that of a normal Elemental and she figured out a way to make a portal that wasn't bound by conventional rules. For one, it does not have the barrier that most portals have for demons of her strength. For another, it is not a portal that only connects two areas, cemented into place. It is, as she has dubbed, her Porta-Portal. A portable portal that is uniquely tuned to her magical signature and can take her to any dimension she wishes, so long as she can think it.
It took her 20 years to master Arcane Magic, and when she was done she was anxious to progress and master Modern Magic. The school she wished to learn at, however, was located in the human world and at the time would not accept demon students. She waited 100 years to train at this school, until they would finally accept her. To her, not only was the training worth the wait, but it was where she met her fifth mate, and the first full human that she would mate with. This tends to be looked down upon in the demon world, for while humans exist there, they are the lowest race and are usually treated as such.
From there, Ashina discovered a plane of existence where one who had already mastered the power of telepathy and telekinesis could teach it to her. Approximately 30 years later, Ashina has mastered that much of her spirit training. She has yet to find a competent teacher for her clairvoyance and spends much of her time being aggravated by the nature of it. She has 8 mates, at least 2 human pets and consistently spends time between several different realms. She has mastered many languages, both human and not, and has made a variety of friends at all levels of society.
She is very likely to fool anyone who meets her into thinking she is normal at first, and she hides her natural prejudices well.
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