Is this show really good? I like it myself, but it makes me think... What is the plot of Hellsing? Well,... it really doesn't matter as long as the show is good itself, right? And plus, the main character, Alucard is REALLY hot!!! twisted
I mean seriously! Look at him!!
 It doesn't get any better than that! And what is with Integra? Is she a 'she' or 'he'? One clue: They call her 'Sir Intgera' Another clue: She let that vampire chick (or dude) lick all over her chest like a homosexual! Meh, doesn't matter. I'd rather fantasize about Alucard instead... Mmmmm....Alucard... heart heart heart heart heart
Yume Saki · Tue Dec 25, 2007 @ 08:46am · 0 Comments |