Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- First day at school by tasmin_estella
- First day at school when we'd broke -up
- Trying to Save Yourself by Xx_BunniieZ_LoverZ_xX
- Full title: Trying to Save Yourself When No One is There to Catch You Enjoy! If you think I'm pathetic for writing this, let me know~! thankyou for any comments~! :D
- cute writing by winffox1
- test
- cute writing by winffox1
- test
- Life by xXkun0ichiXx
- is like a road
- cute writing by fftestapr16
- test
- the girl i loved the most by jemshibe
- just rate it leave please...
- Finding Love is Hard... by The_Polar_Bear_Queen
- This writing piece is mostly about how finding love for me and some other people is hard....
- a Modern romance by The Pagan Prince
- a story me and my friend lexiie are co writteing
- Ghost Girl by Rednekk
- Very scary of you'r money back!
- The Insignificant Tale by _electric_pheonix_
- A story I began writing on father's day after I had been awake for 32 hours. Was having writers block when it came to writing something for my father. This was written 2 years ago in the middle of the night. The story has yet t...
- thoughts that roles through me by inuyasha_yuuki1
- two different characters that have a troubled girls in differences and in similarities
- Empty Me by The Doctors Girl
- i was depressed
- DoublethePersonDoubletheBlood by xX-Aoi-Juugatsu-Xx
- (couldnt fit the whole title in w/o taking away spaces) Ian is a toddler vampire, no not an actual child but he is past the stage of newborn, where he can control his thirst still but snaps at times. A factor that doesn't help,...
- Wierd Facts! You'll love this! by i am my alter ego
- Weird verified and unverified facts that I gathered myself. I worked hard so please check it out. I'll be doing another post on funny jokes later on when I gather some!
- My Philosophy. by Mukindo
- Well, just some thought for thought.
- ds erere by testmacapr30ab
- ds
- Short and sweet by WeedzLyfe420
- Almost what apocolyptic dreams feel like for me.
- As Ekil shus Idet ka sein Suk by Shinigami-kyuun
- het sinnelekun shux vouz lou isctiuleka mendak "As Ekil shus Idet ka sein Suk" miet na 'sein' shouk 'seingalu' potagsu, eshe karon. Ikeln Suo prezi lun fandol shezukileng!! :D