Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Everyone expect great of me by -chino- x3x
- just wanna share what I feel, its been really bothering me for quite a while now. Well I'm not perfect so forgive me if I have any wrong grammar or misspelled words. hate it or love it just read what I have to say. Really appre...
- 15th Amendment Report by Shadow_Knight_07
- This is my report on the 15th amendment that I wrote in Mrs. Jahn's Social Studies class. This report earned me a high "B".
- rest in heaven... by Mayu Sakuri
- what i thought to be what happened the morning the call came...
- Venus the flytrap by Cosmo Seed
- this is the story of venus the flytrap
- My Fake Funni Story by xSHUTUP21K
- Yo u gonna laugh at this so read it
- "The Crown's Legacy" by CrownDragon70
- This is an excerpt of my novel.
- Love Under The Moonlight by Shadow923
- its about werewolves vampires and psychic mutants(mutants with psychic powers) theres good and evil romance and action but this is only a small part so tell me how u like it so far and i will be adding more to it if all goes well
- Adam Lambert by Odd Subtle Flirtation
- This is actually from a blog I wrote about Adam Lambert, explaining about how I feel throught every performance of his. And for those of you that disliike Adam Lambert, I suggest that you skip this and not read it. If you do...
- The Diary Of An Unlucky Girl by XVNekioVX
- Dedicated to a brother who was so much more than that, Stephen Berard. Dedicated to a lover who saved my life and may have died himself in doing so, Andrew Barras, II. This is a WIP. I plan to publish this one day. Do not stea...
- your eye stare into my soul by luvbug1991
- i have no discription for wat i see
- Love for a Broken Angel-Ch.2 by Akuro_Chikamatsu
- Chappie 2!!!!!!!!! YAY.
- Boot camp by diablos6666
- my 12 days of boot camp... fun right? by the way i did it because i wanted to do it and it wasn't for behavior it was for sea cadets. sea cadets is actually really awesome so you should join unless you can't.
- life by angel_littleone 57
- life is hard admit it life isnt fair so deal with it make your life as fun as possible cause you can pass away at any time.
- Love and Betrayl 3. (S.e)! by Amsy Nukes_x
- Well this is the next one to my storie's, Love and Betrayl. The first one! And the second one!
- the 8-bit adventure by xXmetal_screamo12Xx
- well i was reading game informer and i saw how some games now came from the old 8-bit versions in yester-year....then i played mario and wanted to make a poem about those kinds of games
- Wow by little miss ivy
- Something I wrote for my school's Reflections contest. It's about my fifth grade teacher, who never ceased to make me go, "Wow." In a good way though, I promise. :3