Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Demon Hunter 2 by Baret Bloodstone
- Just adding to the first chapter, Leave a comment if you like it if not the exit is to the left and please pay no attention to the escaped mental person with the knife on the other side of the door.
- edward scissorhands by Ryuichifreak
- this is only the beginning of my story i put it on here to see if u think i should keep going on it and if you could help meh with it!
- whats harder by kaire of gaara
- some friends come and go
- The Lantern Man by M z S u c c u b u s
- "I wrote this for class. I personally think It needs a lot of work;I have a hard time expressing my feelings and thoughts, and I wanted to capture this story as magical as it was for me at the time. I feel like I've failed at t...
- Connecting to the Spiritual by jrunna
- This is the description of how my grandmother's spirit reached out from the spiritual world at the moment of her death to touch my father and connect with him in our own. This is a true story. :cry:
- Swing on the Dark Side by Atheshya
- A true story (unfortunately). All the names have been changed.
- Can Nature Heal Society? by MaineCoast
- Can the natural world heal the human race? My thoughts on an interesting observation made by author Christina Baldwin.
- Funny love by Raven_Punk_Ninja
- people in love but not notices but one never gave up a song called funny love
- Music is Magic by fallingsakurablossoms
- This was an English assignment, and I have to say I'm incredibly proud of the outcome. I'm actually amazed at some of the great stuff I've created because of that class. Not all of it was fantastic though...I can remember a f...
- true summer love by Sid the cool kid
- acctually hapened, nothing else in my life goes right but this. COOL
- The world is beautiful. by Davoth
- Something everyone should know.
- Destiny Bond ~Chapter 2~ by Sympathetic Desire
- Second Chapter!!! :D
- sewn in my heart by Victoria Krol
- **note** All names were changed in this story.
- Wings by blehIfailsobad
- I tried. It's hard to write a story off the top of your head, but this one was well planned out. Please tell me what you think!
- Messed with+follow up by ruby989
- this is my day on 2/27/09 on my way home on the bus from school. I already posted the first half but I wanted to add the ending and how everything turned out.
- Friends by Xx_I_ATE_YOUR_DINNER_xX
- idk.......something that popped into my head one day
- Murderer? i didnt mean to..... by Bye-Bye-Crow
- a story of a man who kills his wife, and fools his son.
- Femenine Reflections I by Flight
- In a moment of frustration regarding the manner in which women treat each other and the shallow nature with which they gauge their own value, I was prompted to write this short article. I hope it inspires thought, Sorry if it ...
- A dream? My imagination? by caramel_ic3
- A dream? My imagination? What is happening? HELP ME!