Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Suicide by JadeTheRaccoon
- Dont do it.
- The Dream by _Dorkasouraus_
- it is about a girl who trys to make her
- Why me? by way_to_cute_4_you
- Just a girl fighting for her life everyday
- this is me. in a nut shell (: by your graffiti porn
- Introducing me ;D
- That Must Say Something by jazjaz130
- Let me explain: This is about the friend I am mad with. (for reasons, my own.)My eyes do NOT look like my avatar's eyes. Tell me what you think. (but be gentle please)
- Don't know by aSecretAsianDan
- Something I decided to write but probably won't win anything. That's okay.
- so who would have imagined by Vile_DemoniX
- that any would be so willing to sacrifice unity for bullshit..
- Prologue: "Eyes of Red Descent by Madame_Raine
- NO COPYING THE TITLE of my story or it's contents. I am continuing this story in my profile if you want to read it. If you want to continue seeing it here please comment me and I will post it up.
- Loving life how it is :) by goldenjellybean24
- it's just a statement on how my life has been so far...maybe it'll inspire someone down the road or just up ahead...comment and like please :) thank you
- i will find you by magicly7
- it is for the one i've been waiting for. he's a soccer player & he's the one to be taking me to heaven. he is the one.
- cute writing by winffox1
- test
- cute writing by winffox1
- test
- cute writing by winffox1
- test
- ghfghf by fftestfeb17
- gfghgh
- cxzczx by mactest18feb
- cxzc
- Romeo by omg babes1
- Sigh...
- Some Stuff by SanguineStrumpet
- The writing speaks for itself. Feel free to laugh at my pseudo-philosophical B.S though. :D
- sdafsdf by ie7test03mar
- fdsf