Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Burning Sun [nessie's story] by bakemono no tenshi
- wait, this is not mine I'm just making fire's ( the owner ) work popular The reason why I have posted this because I like his fan fiction and I want you to read it too especially to the twilighters and to the fanpires! NOTE: AG...
- "You Inspire Me Grandma" by clumsything
- Just a short story. Please take some time to read and understand the truth about me and the ways i live my life here.
- Why "I am a Fish" by Miscenco
- essay of mine from an exam. The question was: "Describe yourself." (I know it's not actually a question, but hey, whatever goes...) And yes, I do know it's a Red Dwarf (Rimmer) thing to write "I am a Fish" 400 times or so.
- A sick kind of love by Aknudson
- I was listen to music, and I wrote this, it involves torture love and a sick guy lol enjoy please leave comments
- Laundry Day by PhancyPheet
- On a fateful November day, the forces of good and evil clash in a innocent laundromat! Jeans! Screams! Tide! The sheer suspense and excitement will keep you off your seat! A/N: If this happened at your laundromat, I feel you...
- The biggest question by kingkiller008
- just a question that you need to ask your self
- how are they popular? by captain sora29
- a twelve year old boy and his brothers friends' are popular, when his brother told him to act popular, the boy acts like his brother. and It leads to the worse!!!! ...
- The Water System by little_shtwy_turtle
- I swear this is real- XD
- Sword Problems by Cali_Quidel
- This is written for Final Fantasy VII and is a small scene between Tifa and Cloud.
- HIM by buckcherry13
- this is about my friend i am head over heels in love with. he isnt perfect, but yet again no one is. i wrote this when i was half asleep and sick right after i had a dream about him. if you know any ways to help me help him plz...
- mE by twilight_earth
- Valentine-The Worst Day EVER!! by Fortune95
- here comes cupid with all his love arrows..yet,every year I only get 'broken heart' arrows from that little 'devil'..I hated VALENTINE so much!! you know why? whole LIFE changed from great to bad to WORST!
- My trip to Disney world by LilMercedez
- its tells you about my trip to disney world
- Infatuation Bordering Lunacy by CrownedPenguin
- The original title "An Infatuation that Borders on Lunacy" is too long for gaia. An unrequited love between a girl and her ballpens. The image was drawn by a friend.
- crazy foootball game by black shadow knight 1
- this football game iz crazy at the end.....
- My Boyfriend by elllie8
- This poem is about how my adorable boyfriend and I became a couple (in one day). I hope you like it!
- learn who mac dre by ll Thug-Life ll
- if u have any more questions pm me
- Break In... True Story by A C I D - H A T
- Two kids, 13 &14, try to break in to a house..... based on a true story in my neighborhood only a few months ago... please give good rating, and i'll post part 2. leave comments too please...
- My Day at School by BloodToxic
- My Avadrage Day.
- Freewrite: Love by Melody Hikari-Shinu Anson
- This was a freewrite I wrote one day after talking about heartaches with a friend of mine. It was meant to make her feel better, sort of like the "Don't Quit" poem that I have on a bookmark of mine. Put in non-fiction because I...