Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Why Cant I Fly Too? by Azazelly
- This is in memory of a nameless friend who flew...i wont see her til i die but i know she'd be proud of me....
- I am Chris by I-IO3
- Child abuse..
- The Melody, Chap 1 by Outcast-ghosT
- I made this up as I wrote, so tell me what you think so I can see if I can be that type of writer...xDD
- That One Person by Second Year Ace Rikkai
- I don't like it. TT -TT It's really angsty but it's kinda rushed cuz it was a spur-of-the-moment type of thing. Or an epiphany. ( my la teacher would be so proud! ) Any ways comments or critics (?) will be great! i didn't know ...
- Love backfires. by my - g a l a x y
- What's sad is that this really came from my heart. Being in love with someone you'll never be with. And loving a stranger, who knows you more than you know yourself.
- Weirdo by PancyCakes
- ?
- "Chat" a young love story by jemshibe
- hope you like it
- Morph man VS E-normal by x - - Dying Inside
- [--] comments.
- the day i almost died by VAMPIREXLUVER
- this a real story that happen to my mom two of her friends and me and if it wasnt for god we wouldnt be here to day
- forrbiden love (revised) by pinatamaster
- this is a revised version of my story. it has more details cuz most of my freinds said i needed more details. please rate,add comments,and tell me what i need to do to improve this peice.
- News, Three Little Pigs by Akaaka-Kun
- Narwhal News, Three little pigs reported.
- Runway Girl by SadistCake
- Hopefully this will be the start to a thrilling new essay series! Lets see.
- funniest story in the world 4 by ofwgkta_swagger
- good story
- Goodbye Nibbles by BioluminescentGirl
- I wrote this as an essay for English but it turned out so good I wanted to share it.
- A life with friends. by HannahLah
- This is an entry about my life in foster homes.
- Toy Story's Villains (Part 1) by Grandmaster Tutan
- Because the measure of a great story is the measure of its greatest villains. The first of three opinion articles looking at the emotional impact of the plots of each of the Toy Story movies, putting a focus on their villains. ...
- Flickering Existence by iiiAcrosticiii
- Something i wrote a year back. Still i hope you guys like it. Give me some criticism.
- eewrw by gctestjul8
- rwerw
- It was just right by alice_sugarvein
- A response to the prompt "You sound Awful" in the all_unwritten community on livejournal
- facebook by natalie2520
- techi. difficaulties