About the Stories
Night Panther
A 15 years old boy called Ace who joins and work with SIS. His first mission to find out about a Mafia called "NIGHT PANTHERS", and on his mission he meets a a girl called Michelle whi is nephew of the Mafia leaders, she become one of Ace's best friend through the mission..... Ace also saves the life of a famous person on France....
Ace surives than but would his luck still be with him for the second time...
An Entrode
Ace is back and this time he set to save the life of 1000 of students from terrorist gang "MACSADE". Can he do it? Would he be lucky again after getting shot twice in last mission? Can the 15 years old boy could save his best firends and others?
Would he surive this misson or would this be his last?........
Main Characters