"HOLY CAT!" who is that? every one wonders!!!!!!!!!!

"YAY!" says all! *well rawrabear, at least!* xD "rawracatgirl has another life! yay!"
*and she's bigger! err well, sort'a, not really, don't tell her that! shhh!!!!!!!* xD

oh no! rawracatgirl is surrounded! *LITERALLY!* by rawragon! but she's still smiling? why??? is that rawragirl???

"Why aren't you afraid of me?" Rawragon questions! "i could crush your bones, turn you into jerky, and turn your jerky, into jerky...!" he explains!

"The reason's simple!" she explained... "I have eight more lives!" she said as she smiled.
to be continued!
Community Member
i love rawracatgirl's shirt
How many more lives does she have?
White text is white.