Add my msn; yahoo, aim or skype! *though i do not have a webcam!* lol
dolza_khyron for yahoo for msn for my main msn, the one i use most often ;]
lorddolzakhyron for aim is my email, and skype!

Thank you sarah!!!!!!!

thank you so much!

thank you SO much! =]

damn that is a lot of cute! THANKS! xD

thank you SOO MUCH!

Thank you!


thank you so much!<3



check out her signs! buy some! they're great ;D
Thank you so much!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! i love it xD

thank you! =]

Thank you for the wonderful art!


Thank you angie!!!!!! xD

Thank you!






Double thank you thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you Jackie!


thank you sara!

thank you billie!


THANK YOU! i love me the gifs


Thank you phox!

Thank you Niki!

Thank you mother of PURE awesome<3

Thank you Wanja!

Thank you Lisa!
buy her signs!



Thank you Brenna!


thank ya xD

thank you!<<<3

thank you Jill!

thank you darling! xD

thank you bubbles! xD


From Ami, and Tsuki:

From Lady Suka:

Thank you for the birthday present =]
Carrie made me a sign. =] thank you carrie!

CLICK PICTURE Vote for Carrie because she is gorgeous, and awesome =]
scary little lady
Comment me

Best sign i have ever got; thank you Pig Chow! =] aka Katie!
if you'd like to buy one from her; she is selling them; pretty high price; but it's all worth every ounce of gold. pm Pig Chow for one today! =]
once again; thank you Katie!
people's explaination of my sig.

thursday december 31st 2009;
Explanation of your siggy:
The chick is powering the lamp with her blood to illuminate the model on the ground which the guy in the suit with no pants is using to explain his plan to the monster.
Pantsless guy: And then, then we take over the world.
Monster: Ohhhh....I see.
i think the bananna guy is sneaking up on the gay guy in the booty shorts
and the girl is like" eew"
Okay so basically, they are going baby bowling.
The chick was like, prego and the guy in the tighty whiteys is using a special "baby bowlin vacuum" to suck em outta her.
That's the proper BB gear that he is wearing, it helps avoid wind resistance. The gelled back hair is part of it too.
The yellow man is the one inserting the babies into the lady, the extra ones are stored in that lil.... hut thing.
The yellow man's proper title is "Doucheknocker".
The Doucheknocker uses his antenna to create friction in the air, THUS creating babies.
The bowler has just bowled a baby down the runway and he rubs his hands in prayer calling upon the great Buddah to guide his baby.
January 1st, 2010:
Rawr Raver Rawr
sorry.. it looks like the chicken is tring to inpregnate that girl with a wird machean and that guy is like a doctor and hes evil and he laghing or he high or something.
January 4th, 2010:
Ok, the boy is a top nerd that is trying to find a way to directly put nasty food that is good for you into ones stomach so you don't have to choke it down, much the same way as an umbilical chord works. The girl is his second volunteer who is now second guessing her decision to help him and the yellow thing is what became of his first test subject.
January 7th, 2010:
The sig looks like a corn! D:
Thats the first thing that came to mind lolol;
Anddd the nerd is trying to get her preggy corn! >]
Through her BELLEHHH.
But she totally doesn't know ;3
Thats the first thing that came to mind lolol;
Anddd the nerd is trying to get her preggy corn! >]
Through her BELLEHHH.
But she totally doesn't know ;3
January 13th, 2010
-Corporate Junk
Haha, well then this is what i think:
It's a asain version of The Matrix. The chick is obviously a girl version of Neo and the guy crouching is the guy version of Trinity. The device hooked up to her bellybutton is sucking out the device the Agents implanted in her stomach, and the big yellow looking thing is an Agent trying to stop Trinity from removing the device XD
It's a asain version of The Matrix. The chick is obviously a girl version of Neo and the guy crouching is the guy version of Trinity. The device hooked up to her bellybutton is sucking out the device the Agents implanted in her stomach, and the big yellow looking thing is an Agent trying to stop Trinity from removing the device XD
January 27, 2010
Explanation of sig:
basicly the guy and yellow thing use that tube to stick into the girls belly button. The weird wall behind the guy is an englarged version of the girls belly botton... who knows wtf there doing it o__O
January 30, 2010
Barbie Doll Abuser
Dude i figured out what is going on in ur sig. xD
her belly button is producing electricity. xD
Dude i figured out what is going on in ur sig. xD
her belly button is producing electricity. xD
April 7th, 2010
ok i finally decided to try to explain your picture
ok, so the girl is powering the machine with her feminine oils in a similar fashion that windmills produce electricity. so the machine in the center is powered by her SWEAT. the guy is planning on attacking a military structure of some sort, as evidenced by the miniture diagram infront of him. the yellow creature just noticed the guy is only wearing his underwear and has an erection...on his head.
i'm patrick btw
ok, so the girl is powering the machine with her feminine oils in a similar fashion that windmills produce electricity. so the machine in the center is powered by her SWEAT. the guy is planning on attacking a military structure of some sort, as evidenced by the miniture diagram infront of him. the yellow creature just noticed the guy is only wearing his underwear and has an erection...on his head.
i'm patrick btw
i know who you are =]
and thanks! btw, now watch the video about it, and see if your explanation changes. btw it is NOT subbed xD
i honestly have no idea whats going on
is it a machine used to magnify small parts of the human body?
you gonna put up my explanation though?
Friday May 7th, 2010 aka, VE day.
Miah Darkling
Miah Darkling
I think I know what's going on in your sig.
The girl is willing to do an experiment with the giant yellow p***s-tubby and the booty short wearing guy. So they hook her belly button up to some machine that strangely looks like a sphincter. I think the sphincter is some sort of cloning, baby making, dwarf device so the guy in the booty shorts can make more p***s-tubbies.
The girl is willing to do an experiment with the giant yellow p***s-tubby and the booty short wearing guy. So they hook her belly button up to some machine that strangely looks like a sphincter. I think the sphincter is some sort of cloning, baby making, dwarf device so the guy in the booty shorts can make more p***s-tubbies.
k, now explain the video. xD
In the video, the p***s tubby comes to the girl and needs help of some sort, so she jerks him off and he falls down. Then in comes the guy in the shorts, and he's all "OH what did you do?!" And she's all "I'm sorry, but you're haircut really sucks." And he's all "Come here little girl."
So she goes with them, get her belly button raped by some tube thing that pumps this fluid into a machine and then a sphincter appears. The dude with the really bad hair cut digs around in the machine, hits the p***s tubby in the face when he back talks, and pulls out a karate master dwarf thing.
May 13th, 2010
Says Kirari_Takeshi:
The lamp is powering the Girl who is a camera, the short shorts guy thinks he's directing but really its a gay porn staring mr. chicken guy and him.
The chicken is powered by the school girl to go after the short shorts guy, the Light is the power source of the girl as well as the inpregnator, so the happy gay couple of short shorts and chicken guy can have a merry baby.
or Three:
"I think the chicken suit guy is really a robot powered by the school girl lookin chicks belly botton, to rape the short shorts guy. I think he thinks hes directing a movie, little did he know, Oh yah The lamp also has to support the robot.
The lamp is powering the Girl who is a camera, the short shorts guy thinks he's directing but really its a gay porn staring mr. chicken guy and him.
The chicken is powered by the school girl to go after the short shorts guy, the Light is the power source of the girl as well as the inpregnator, so the happy gay couple of short shorts and chicken guy can have a merry baby.
or Three:
"I think the chicken suit guy is really a robot powered by the school girl lookin chicks belly botton, to rape the short shorts guy. I think he thinks hes directing a movie, little did he know, Oh yah The lamp also has to support the robot.
May 22nd, 2010
The yellow guy had an erection and he accidentally cut off the girls legs with it, so she got paralyzed and can't eat. The pantsless guy decided they would feed her tomato sauce through a tube. Now he's watching Ghost Whisperer and praying that Melinda will marry him. The yellow guy is staring at the pantsless guys butt.
May 31st, 2010
Lacey Things
Don't get strung out by the way I look,
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Okay, so here's what's going on in Pumpkin's sig:
The sort-of-teletubby is the imaginary friend and submissive S&M partner of the homosexual in boyshorts.
They live in a world where everyone is male (aka china in about fifty years) except for one female.
They are studying said female to learn how to genetically engineer more of them to save the Chinese species.
The tube is a camera that is going through her belly button into her uterus so they can see what goes on in there via the display screen.
The end?
The sort-of-teletubby is the imaginary friend and submissive S&M partner of the homosexual in boyshorts.
They live in a world where everyone is male (aka china in about fifty years) except for one female.
They are studying said female to learn how to genetically engineer more of them to save the Chinese species.
The tube is a camera that is going through her belly button into her uterus so they can see what goes on in there via the display screen.
The end?
I'm not much of a man by the light of day,
But by night I'm one hell of a lover.
But by night I'm one hell of a lover.
June 2nd, 2010
iP E E tampons
Okay, I have an explanation for your sig!! biggrin
So the girl was cutting class and she got caught by her teacher so she's sent to the gay principle's office and when she walked in he was playing a game of Japanese battleship with himself and he gets so pissed that he tries to execute all of the female race starting with her so he lies and tells the girl that if she put the wire thing into her bellybutton she can get bigger boobs so shes enthralled and puts the wire in her bellybutton willingly and little did the principle know, on her way to the office the girl made friends with the yellow banana guy and he pledges to protect her for the rest of his life so sneaks in through the window like a ninja and sees that the girl's boobs aren't getting any bigger and he catches on to the plan and realizes that the principle is going to kill her so he goes super-saiyan and grows his p***s so he can rape the principle so hard he won't be gay anymore and like girls again and not kill her!
The End. :3
I love you John! <3
June 19th 2010
The way I took the video was: the girl is at school when Big Bird's cousin walks up to her, telling her that if she pulls an extension on his feathery body a weird Asian man will appear wearing booty shorts (or underwear, I could not determine). And so, once the whole extension pulling happens, she then appears in an art room next a metal box. The Asian man and Big Bird's relative are on the other side, telling her that the worm like tube must be licked and then inserted into her belly button, so the metal box will be powered and the pus filled hole can squirt liquid that will thus save the world.
(I just want to be on your profile)
July 3rd, 2010
para fairy
explanation of your signature?
..japan is ******** up.
July 4th, 2010
m O O j x
Im sure.
Im trying to work your picture out. To me it looks like that guy is trying to telepathically get that girl pregnant .. as he is wearing no pants.. maybe the guy in the backroung is a teletubby or a condom...Maybe I am thinking too much about sex .. hahahahaha
Im trying to work your picture out. To me it looks like that guy is trying to telepathically get that girl pregnant .. as he is wearing no pants.. maybe the guy in the backroung is a teletubby or a condom...Maybe I am thinking too much about sex .. hahahahaha
august 13th 2010
ur ayatsuri akki
ur ayatsuri akki
ur ayatsuri akki
Awww thank you sire ^_^ btw love your sig lol
I was trying to figure out what was going on there...took me a while.....:
The chic can give out electricity to that machine from her belly
the yellow monster got horney by seeing the guy without pants.
all in all their one horny bunch of creatures.......
heres my logic big story:
She came down the stairs saw a yellow horney guy grabbed his stick pulled it
other guy pops out from watching porn.
Yellow dude tries to tell the other guy that his wearing two underpants while the other guy tries to
explain to the girl he was not watching porn, but instead he was trying to fix the pornometer machine. So she plugs the wire to her belly, meter goes up, the guy opens the side and tries to find whats wrong with it. He pulls out a small man that was stuck there, the small dude pulls out a paper : dont touch my a**s, they keep on bowing to him. At the end the girl realizes she was having a bad dream and she should not date that dude.
Reinya 07
?Tahnk you~ 4laugh Your siggy is lol btw. xD The guy with glasses looks like he took a yellow, furry crap. o.o;?
September 2nd, 2010
Lady Khalida
you are welcome, it's what i do. i suppose xD
(; And errm, by the way, I sorta can understand your siggy picture ;o Some asain getting one of those baby scans? .. and rather.. (???)
September 11th, 2010
krauly fiend
came for the topic but stay for the signature you carried.
HA Sanity, Its easy to figure out whats going on in your signature when you look down on such a thing.
so for those of you that think inside and outside the box while people like me who think the box is a armadillo
The guy in the suit is obviously a visitor that needs to be send home but doesnt know how, to fix his machine, just knows how to refill its gas, so he calls nerd kid for help And explains what he needs to get his machine workin so he goes back home,
They get a girl to fuel the machine with energy as the kid prays his nerdy adjustments help the visitor back home.
HA Sanity, Its easy to figure out whats going on in your signature when you look down on such a thing.
so for those of you that think inside and outside the box while people like me who think the box is a armadillo
The guy in the suit is obviously a visitor that needs to be send home but doesnt know how, to fix his machine, just knows how to refill its gas, so he calls nerd kid for help And explains what he needs to get his machine workin so he goes back home,
They get a girl to fuel the machine with energy as the kid prays his nerdy adjustments help the visitor back home.
September 21th, 2010
the guy is thanking the doctor for cancer-curing technology, administered by the yellow guy, and the sister is embarrassed because he's trying way too hard to be Asian.
April 17th 2011.
ok that girl is getting unprofessional liposuction by that nerd and the nerd invited his friend from tele-tubbies to cheer her up while she gets fat sucked out of her oh and that box is the machine that sucks an stores the fat and it cant be done at home so she is having it done at the library after school