Nickname: Sen, Senny boy(baskerville), Holy thing (baskerville)
Species: Human
Age: well over 10000 years old.
Gender: male
Height: 6 feet 3 inches.
Weight: 220 lbs
Residence: The holy church
Alignment:Good, although he does it somewhat against his will.
Abilities & aptitude: Mastery of his chainblades. and quick to utilize and learn new techniques for any other weapon given to him.
Hobbies & Talents: :laying seige to demon spawns.
Weakness: The church making him believe he has sinned.
Likes/Favorite activities: Sharpening his weapons
Dislikes/Least favorite activities: Demons, the church.
Gormet of choice: noodles
Beverage of choice: Wine
Favorite color: Silver
Personality: Short tempered, and often insults who he is trying to kill.

weapons: Two small blades attached to chains that wrap around his arm in an endless cycle. The chains are inside his arms, unable to seperate from the blades, bounding him to his duty for all of eternity.
bio: Once in the mid evil times, he was an evil tyrant, slaughtering villages and towns in the pursuit of conquering the world. around the 16th century, he was slaughtered by a riot, and in the today time, priests in a church resurrected him, and gave him the blades so he would be eternally in their service. He now works for the church, sailing from port to port in the service of god's will, killing all demonic creatures of this world.