Age: Unknown
Race: Air Elemental, Elf Princess, Angel, Telepath.

Bio: Tsukasa sat in wait as her parents ruled over the empire of Elves. But she could not stand the way her parents treated them. Out of all the Elven rulers, her parents had been the cruelest of them all, and she would not sit and watch, nore take part in it. So she fled the empire, telling her parents that she would never return, and would kill all those they send after her, since she knew her parents needed her in their desprate ways to gain upmost power. But the only name she left back at the empire was her last name, it had been Ada, but she took the name of one of her best friends who had been murdered and gives it to all those who ask. So she now travels alone, practicing summoning her swords and the winds, learning how to comand them.
Loves: Being Alone.
Hates: Her Parents.
Likes: Sweet Things and Forests.
Fears: Returning.