Age: 17
Race: Water Elemental, Demon, Telepath.

Bio: Lee was left alone for most of her life, feared for her odd powers, and shunned for her inabilty to speak, she avoided her family, who avoided her right back. The only time they saw her was when she came back early in the morning, just to got to her small room and sleep. She left late in the night to go to the the lake, that was almost an hour away from the village, but it was the only large body of water that she could practice controlling water, and try to teach herself how to control her demonic side. No one goes to the lake now for the rumors of a mysterious shadow girl with a long black sword come up, but Lee just shrugs it off, knowing that she did it on purpose to keep the people away. But by the time she was 14 she had gotten sick of the glares and accusations of being a bad omen to the family because she was the only different one out of the other 4, her Mother, Father and two Brothers. And left. Not knowing where to go, she just walked, letting her feet lead her to where ever they lead her.
Loves: Practicing, Sword Fighting.
Hates: Being Mute.
Likes: To Eat.
Fears: Large Crowds.