Age: Uknown
Race: Shadow Demon, Neko, Telepath, Telekinetic, Worroir.

Bio: Rosco has had a hard life, but she can't remember any of it. Even though it's hard to see, she's actually a naturally fun and free kind of girl, but the years have worn down on her and have made her untrusting and cold. She moves around constantly, doing odd jobs to get money. The most common job she does is assisnation. Since she is stealthy and quiet, it makes her jobs easier. The sword she carries is an old family weapon, even though she doesn't know that. The only thing she knows, is when she woke up in the woods, it was lying there next to her, with no trace that anyone was around. And she wears the bones of animals she's killed to frighten off anything unwelcome. To her, its kind of a sense of pride to why she wears them. But she will respond only if spoken to first, and usually never starts a conversation. Cold hearted and a twisted sense of humor, she will sometimes kill for no reason, but to only feed her own bloodlust.
Loves: Killing.
Hates: Talking.
Likes: Walking.
Fears: Losing.