Age: Uknown
Race: Key Blade Weilder, Dark Mage, Telepath, Telekinetic, Kitsune.

Bio: Rono keeps watch over Twilight Town and Traverse Town. She keeps order and is well known among the older people in the Traverse Town Square. She has vanquished many of the Heartless leaders, and has gone into the research feild of finding more out about the Nobody Leaders, of what she knows and has seen, they are the Organization13, and they are much stronger, and are much more inteligent then the leaders of the Heartless. She even tought herself to be a Dark Mage so she could pass easily between the towns and the Dark Realm, and kept order in that place too. She's usually quiet, and doesn't talk much. Her smiles are rare and so isn't her laugh. But she is kind to people she knows and is very gentle to those in need.
Loves: Seeing People Smile.
Hates: Bad People.
Likes: Sweets.
Fears: Losing.
Name: Kitari Nari
Age: 17
Race: Key Blade Weilder, Ice Elemental, Telepath, Telekinetic, Dark Mage.

Her KeyBlades:
Single Keyblade-

Double Keyblade-

The White Blade Is Called StarFire, And The Other One Is Call MoonShadow. These are very powerfull Keyblades that were given to Kitari by Guardian Angels, StarFire from a White Angel, MoonShadow from a Dark Angel.
Bio: Kitari knew, right from when she got those blades, she was born to become a protector. The first one, Redemption, was bestoyed on her by someone unknown. But they told her she had been chosen to be one of the few to protect the lives of the innnocents that were in the towns, and in all of the other worlds. And even though she knew, she had a great deal of doubt. But as the years progressed from the day she was given Redemption, her doubts vanished, and so did the other protectors who fought beside her. That left her alone, but the fighting had made her much stronger, and she got MoonShadow and StarFire, and now it seems that her story runs in circles. But as she fights off the Heartless and Nobodies, she waits, patiently waiting for others to show up, so she can use her dark magic to open the door, and go into the other world. Keeping the Heartless and Nobodies at bay.
Loves: Sweets, Talking.
Hates: Losing.
Likes: Practicing.
Fears: Being Alone.
Name: Kia Ryou
Age: Uknown
Race: Key Blade Weilder, X-Heartless, Fire Dragoon, Telepath, Telekinetic.

Her Key Blade-

Bio: Kia never liked being a Heartless, and when she was one, she was miserable and went against everything the Leaders said. She was one of the only lower class Heartless that was human, even though she was only a lower class because she never did as she was told. But one day, she was freed from the torture of being a Heartless, by a mysterious blade that looked like a key. It was red with anger and neglect, and burned with what felt like fire. This is were she got her powers of being a fire Dragoon. From the time she was freed from being a Heartless, she swore she would use her powers to help destroy the thing she once was. So now she helps thoughs who are already fighting the Heartless and Nobodies and she uses her powers to help them predict their next move and where they are.
Loves: Fighting, Winning.
Hates: Heartless.
Likes: Playing.
Fears: Failing.