"Play with your toys honey, mommy's going to run back in to get your brother."
Kelly sat huddled in the cornor of thier storm celler, her hair dripping and holding on to her favorite teddy. "But Mommy... I'm scared." The lights hanging in the small room flickered as the wind howled outside.
"I'll be right back. I love you sweety." Her mother kissed her head tenderly before climbing out through the heavy doors into the storm ragging outside. The door slammed shut and she waited. She stayed curled up in a ball for who knows how long, waiting for her mother to return with her older brother... they never came.
She rubbed her eyes as sunlight drifted into the dark powerless celler as searchers found the shelter. They called into the dark, shining their flashlights around the room. One man jumped inside and carried her out. She looked around and started crying when she saw the pile that had once been her house. "The twister just tore it up, I'm starting to think Gene and the boy didn't make it. We'll have to do a search of the debrie and see if we can find them." They began their search but didn't find her family alive. She had been orphaned at age 7.
Kelly ran her hand through her hair as she sat alone on the school's playground. Now 18 and old enough to get out of the ophinage sysetem, she needed to decide where she would go. She already held a simple job at one of the cafe's, though it wouldn't be enough for her to rent her own appartment.
She gazed up at the stars and watched the on coming storm clouds. The wind was picking up and she could see lightening in the distance. She simply sighed and shook her head as she got up, heading back to the 4 story orphinage she called home.
((Alright peeps. I worked hard on this one... now let's see what kind of response I get. Pm me please. Your respons does not have to be that long and please try to have a picture too.))