I don't know why I'm writing. I'm really tired. I seriously need some sleep. Like, desperately. I slept in until almost 10 this morning, and have been reading Breaking Dawn. I got it yesterday afternoon from the library and I'm halfway finished already. Bella just got turned into a vampire. I cannot wait to get done with the series. I hate it so much... but I was forced by my friends to read the books... so here I am. 0_o At least now I know what everyone talks about! I really like Edward. I hated New Moon, when he left for like 20 chapters. I was left all alone with stupid, clingy Bella. Jacob Black was cool, but he was raping her in his mind the whole time. Seriously. Younger guys are so dumb. XDD But I hate the series. I really do. I have nothing against the author or the writing style - but seriously? Bella needs to learn to be self-sufficient when Edward isn't there. Really. Almost ALL the girls are like that nowadays... and Bella is NOT helping. I don't get the need to have a boyfriend... I mean, I'm cool having one, but I can function perfectly fine without one.
I want snow. I really do. I am praying so hard for it... I mean, there's snow up in Flagstaff, but we have to drive to get there. And who really wants to sit in a car for half a day just to sled down a hill a couple times? Last time we went up there, we rented snow shoes and hiked around. MISERABLE. I mean, not the hiking part. But the snow shoes were KILLING me. You have to walk like you have those flipper things on and pick your feet up way high to get over the snow banks you sink into. I thought my hips were going to fall off, using all those muscles. I have a bad frame for snow shoeing - I have these really stubby bowed legs, so the motion really hurt my hips at the joints.
Okay. So we run a mile every other Monday during P.E. - it shows how much we improve our time by running around the track every day. I started out at the beginning of the year not even able to run half of a quarter of a mile non-stop, and I pulled in a 15:25 minute time the very first mile we ran. And Friday, the last mile I'll ever run (We only have to have 1 P.E. credit to graduate, and it's a semester class) in that class, I only walked once, about 5 seconds, because I had a stitch in my side. I ended up running through it anyways, and I pulled in a time of....
Wait for it....
Wait for it...
Wait for it..........
10:09. I kid you not. YAY! smile A THIRD of my first time got knocked off. Sorry, minutes. D:
I am so proud of myself.
And then we went to play football - flag, of course. I looooove football so much... and I had so much energy it was scary. I'm paying for it now, of course - my thighs are really sore - but it was tons of fun. Did I mention I love football?
Anyways, I'm watching a movie with Richard Gere, some redheaded woman who looks really familiar but I can't place, and Jennifer Lopez called "Shall We Dance?". It's a pretty good movie. I watch a lot of dancing movies, apparently. I am seriously considering taking up ballroom dancing. Unfortunately, I've heard lessons are TONS of money. 0_o And then, I give up on things halfway through them (much like my least favorite class). So is it really worth it? I don't know. Maybe someday I'll find out.
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This is mah crap in hurr. Dare to read? I dun tink so!
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