I love this man. He is officially my new best friend.
You need to watch that. 'kay?
So anyways.
Now. I don't agree with EVERYTHING he's said. For instance - the refusing to call Obama "President" thing. Okay? The guy has been elected. And while I'm not thrilled about how NO ONE has seen Obama's official birth certificate (only a Certificate of Live Birth) and there's rumors flying that he used his sister's, we should still give the Man in Office the same respect as we would if everyone had seen his birth certificate.
But I do agree with the money thing. "WHERE has all this money come from? Did we wish it out of thin air?"
Obama canNOT just stuff money we DO NOT have into the country! That's just not physically possible. Obama hasn't been in office for a full three months yet - and he's already pumped more money into the economy than humanly possible.
Already, stem-cell research has been approved and the money we could make in that field DOUBLED. It's been said that children that survive abortion can be put to death. INNOCENT LIVES being taken away because SOMEONE was irresponsible.
If you are not ready to have a child, you are not ready to have sex! Keep your legs closed!
Does NO ONE here realize that Obama has the same ideals as Hitler did? There are children singing him praises. Obama believes that you should be able to do whatever you want to do - the same as Hitler, who said you could do what you wanted so that HE could do whatever he wanted. Does no one see this???
I don't know.
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- Why/why not?
- What do you think of his actions now?
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This is mah crap in hurr. Dare to read? I dun tink so!
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If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of congress?