Age: Unknown
Race: Shadow Jumper, Demon, Ice Elemental.
Extra: Telepath, Telekinetic.

I am Kroso, the last remaining Shadow Jumper. Do not be fooled by the name. It does not mean I can only jump from shadow to shadow, it just means I belong to the shadows. A shadow jumper, can jump to any place at any given time, but they must have a clear idea to where they are going, or they will end up in no where, and that is not always the best place to end up, but does not mean it's impossible to escape. When put under pressure, a jumper can summon other jumpers, to help focus energy and be able to jump time itself, to either the past or future. And that....Is were my problem, arises.
Bio: Kroso grew up in a large area filled with other Shadow Jumpers, most of the others were also Elementals, but seemed to get along just fine. She didn't know what went wrong, but one day, she woke to ear splitting screams of horror and pain. And as she ran outside, her small city, seemed to be covered in blood. But this of course, she only saw, because she was dying, for when she ran outside, she was shot. And as she fell, the last remaining elders of her city, carried her to safety. Even though some of them were close to death themselves, they brought her back to the past, so that she would live, and prevent anything from happening to their city.
The last words she heard were from her Grandfather, who was one of the elders, and as he died away with the others, Kroso was reborn, with a new detirmination and agenda. She herself, would go and kill the people who slaughtered her people, and destroyed her life. And even though she knew, she would not be in that time for very long, she would do her best to make as many allis as possible, so her fight would be easier, and she could bring the end quicker.
To why she is the only remaining jumper in that time, she is unsure. She thought that if they came back to the past, that they would be alive, but apparently, what happens in the future, without the past being altered, stays that way. And even though she is lonely, and has no one to turn to for advice, she fights her way through the people who worked for the group that killed her people. She shows no mercy and has turned blood thirsty, like a wild animal.
She uses puppet like shadows, to kill and slaughter people from a distance, then when up close, she will either use her Elemental powers, or a long silver sword, her most effective weapon. But what is also very useful to her, is that she can jump around the person, dodging attacks that even the strongest supernatural creature would have trouble blocking or dodging.
She has a hard time socializing with others, even though she is a very kind hearted girl. But she can never shake the fact that even if she makes friends, she will just be leaving them behind when her task is done. She has even thought about forgetting her task and running off, so she can have a life of her own, but even in her attempts, their screams haunt her, and she can't abandon them. So she is usually quiet when people talk to her, until she starts to warm up to the idea of just talking to them, and she fools herself into thinking, that it will only be for a short while. And even behind that quiet mask, there is a short tempered and ruthless girl, who will kill if provoked, or slowed down.
Loves: Snow.
Hates: Talking.
Likes: Sweets.
Fears: Failing.