Age: Uknown.
Race: Demon, Hybrid Angel.
Extra: Telepath, Telekinetic.

Hybrid Form:

I am Jazz, one of the only Hybrid Angels you will ever meet that wasn't created in a lab. I can say this now, it's not exactly better to be born a natural Hybrid. Hurts just as much. The blood of the Angel, and the blood of the Demon, clash together sometimes, like fighting over who is going to rule the body. And taking Angel form, hurts too. Having the wings rip from your back, in one big bloody mess...It's terrific.
Bio: Jazz has known her whole life, it wasn't going to be easy staying alive. Her parents didn't know what to do with her, but they couldn't bare to see their daughter suffer their whole lives, so they sent her away. Not knowing why they would even think about sending a 'sick' child out on her own, Jazz toughed it out. Even though every night she nearly killed herself from the pain that tore itself through her body, she kept living, knowing that there would be a balance sooner or later.
And she was right, the older she got, the less the pain was, and it showed less frequently. Only when she didn't change for a long while, the pain would remind her, that if she didn't change, she would be in pain for a long time.
Jazz got her other name from a group of people that used to hang out with her all the time. But she's not even sure how she got that kind of name, but it stuck to her, and she kept it. She usually introduces herself as Ace, but keeps her real name a secret for awhile, until she feels the need to say it.
She may be care free and wild, but Jazz actually lives her life in fear. Besides the pain, and having to frequently change, she is hunted. By the insane people who turn humans into Angels. They come after her, wanting her blood to know how she was born naturally like that, how she stayed alive for so long. Even people who just want to study her follow her around where ever she goes. So it's hard for Jazz to just sit down and relax.
She rarely fights, but when she does, she only has a few daggers, and can use some magical powers, but mostly she'll either use her hands or her Telekinetics.
Loves: Being Alone.
Hates: Changing.
Likes: Flying.
Fears: Becoming an Experiment.