The Idiotic Adventures of the Crazies:
Episode 3: Fun trip to the Farm?
Indy was bored to death doing nothing. So, she decided to look at the bulletin board for missions for once.
As Indy skimmed through the board, she found one poster. “Help Wanted At Farm For Bill! Help will be needed for a week. Money earned will be from 800 gold and a surprise. Group must have 8 people at the least.”
Indy was staring at the word, Farm. She always wanted to play with cows.
Indy got excited and ripped the paper off the board and ran to Gill.
“GILL!! GILL!! GILL!!” Gill popped out of the bar counter.
“Yes Indy?”
“I wanna do this mission! =D”
“Okay, it says here that you need at least 8 people. Find 8 people and you got the job.” Indy then ran to recruit people to go to the farm.
“Ranny!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Indy looked for her in their room. “RANNY!!!!!!!!”
Ranny’s heart jumped and she feel out of bed and onto the ground. “What the hell Indy?! You scared me out of my witts!”
“Sorry but this you gotta see!!”
“What is that?”
“We get to go to the farm!! Let’s go to the farm!! They have cows!!”
“Ugh. You and your damned cows, can I go back to sleep?” Indy pouted and dragged Ranny out of their room to recruit people.
Indy found Shun lying on the table face flat down. “Shun chan!! Perfect timing, let’s go!!!”
Shun looked up, with a droopy face. “Huh? What?” Indy just grabbed his shirt and dragged him.
Indy then found Giggly and Gamer playing Tic-Tac-Toe with a twist.
“Gamer!! Giggly!! You have great timing! We will go to a farm for vacation!!”
Gamer and Giggly was like “Really?” Plus the sparkling eyes and hands clasped together.
“Yeah!! Let’s go find 3 more people to go with!!”
“Why? We already have 5 people.”
“The more the merrier! =D” Indy lied.
“Oh I know! Let’s drag Josh, Jessica, and Sarah!!”
Gamer just shrugged. “Eh, sure why not.”
They all went to search for the remaining people.
After they found the people they were going with, they went to Gill.
“We got our group right here!” Indy said happily.
Gill smiled. “I’m surprised you didn’t ask me to go.” Gill made a fake sad face.
Indy made a weird gonk face. “I didn’t know you wanted to go!”
Gill then smiled again. “I was just kidding Indy. Ok here is more information about your mission.”
“Wait a minute. Mission? I though this was a vacation.” Giggly butted in.
“Yes it is a mission.” said Indy.
“No, you said vacation.”
“Oh did I? I guess I made a mistake.” Indy shrugged. “Oh well. Let’s go!”
And with that, they all went to the farm.
They all arrived at the farm’s gate. Gamer, Giggly, and Ranny were glaring at Indy for reasonable reasons. Shun groggily staring at the animals. Josh just looking around, Jessica talking to her other friends on her cell, and Sarah just staring and humming a song. Indy was staring at the cows and day dreaming.
Bill walked up to the gate to greet his new helpers for the week.
“I g’es yous are them group I hir’d. Well, don’ be shy. C’mere and get workin’. By next week, Purvis and Rubella will return h’re. ‘Til then, I ‘spect ya’ll to do go job.”
“What did he just say….?” asked Sarah.
“Let’s get to work?” answered Josh.
“Oh. Ok.”
They all walked into the farm and put their stuff down near the tree.
Sarah and Ranny were gathering garlic for Bill.
Shun and Gamer were chasing chickens.
Josh and Jessica were chasing off bugs as they were planting stuff.
Giggly and Indy were chasing and milking cows.
As these 8 people were working, lurking in the shadows were stalkers. They are waiting to attack our crazy people. But of course, the crazies are too into their work to even notice.
Sarah and Ranny were now taking their break. Sarah brought out her ipod and speakers. Ranny decided to go sleep.
As the two relaxed, two stalkers named, Billy Bob and d**k, snuck up to them. Sarah noticed something dark lurking. She stared and then searched something in her bag and pulled it out. She brought out her kiki kitty and threw it at d**k. d**k caught the kitty. “Haha!! That all you got a plushie toy?” Just as he finished mocking Sarah, the kitty’s claws popped out and eyes darkened dangerously and attacked him.
d**k called for Billy Bob for help and Billy Bob tried to pry off the cat but he got attacked as well.
Sarah watched them in amusement as Ranny was still asleep.
Josh and Jessica were still planting stuff when Steve and Ziggy came out.
“Boo!!” Ziggy yelled.
Jessica got scared and threw a shovel at her. The shovel hit Ziggy. “Oww. What’d you do that for?” She rubbed her forehead. Steve just glared at Ziggy.
“We want your stuff?! Hand over the stuff and no one gets hurt!”
“Not even if you were the president of the world.” replied Josh.
Steve got mad and attacked. Josh dodged and hit Steve’s back and sat on him as Steve was face flat onto the ground.
Ziggy got mad that Steve was being sat on as if he were a rug. Ziggy tried to attack Josh but Jess glomped her. They both fell into a puddle. “Belgh, now look what you made me do! >=o” yelled Jess.
Shun and Gamer were chasing chickens but then Gamer got tired and rested while Shun kept chasing chickens.
“Stupid Chickens, stop running!!” complained Shun. Gamer just watched him while laughing her a** off.
Jose and Barney were behind the tree Gamer was resting while laughing hard.
Jose and Barney were drawing straws to pick who will attack who. Jose got to attack Shun and Barney got to attack Gamer. As Shun was still chasing chickens, Jose went running after him. Shun heard someone running behind him, he looked back thinking Gamer was trying to scare him, but when he saw Jose, he ran way past the chickens.
Barney tried to attack Gamer but whenever he did attack, Gamer would unknowingly dodge his attacks. And when Gamer didn’t unknowingly dodge, her pets attack him instead. So in Barney’s attempts, he gave up. Instead, he went to help Jose chase Shun. As for Gamer, she just kept chasing chickens.
Giggly was chasing cows and Indy was milking cows. Indy already filled up two buckets and went to deliver the milk to the truck that was supposed to pick it up. Giggly was still running around. Pepe and Big Bird were dressed up as cows.
Giggly noticed one huge cow [Big Bird]. She decided to chase it. Right when Giggly was right behind Big Bird, Big Bird noticed her. He didn’t know that she thought he was a cow. He thought he was caught, so he ran for his dear life. Pepe saw this and went to help his poor ‘cow’ friend.
When Indy got back, she saw one huge cow and a green looking cow and Giggly Chasing the huge one and being chased by the green one.
Indy just ignored them and went back to milking cows. But when one minute passed, she just got something slipped into her mind, a huge cow and a green cow. She got up and went to chase the green cow. Once she caught up to the green one, she tackled it. She started milking the green cow and Pepe was crying out loud.
“HELP!! HELP!! THERE’S A STUPID GIRL TRYING TO MILK ME!!” Big Bird turned around to see but Giggly already bumped into him and they tumbled. Giggly also tried to milk him. “HELP!!! THIS BLACK CHICK IS TRYING TO MILK ME TOO!!
Everyone in the farm heard this and ran to them, dragging along the other stalkers.
Everybody including the stalkers tried to pry Indy and Giggly off of the two poor stalkers.
Bill came out and yelled, “What in the world are ya’ll makin’ such a ruck’s?” He then looked at the trespassers [stalkers]. “WHAT ARE SUCH TRESPASSERS DOIN’ ON MY PROPERTY?!!! D=<”
He then chased all of the stalkers while the crazies chased him to stop him. This repeated but with different methods for the whole week.
But when the week ended, Purvis and Rubella got back and when they saw their Pa chasing 8 trespassers, they went to chase the stalkers out as well.
The 8 crazies just stood there watching them. They didn’t want to keep running around the farm. They just wanted to get paid and finally get out of there. But sadly, they just had to wait and wait and wait until the stalkers left.
But alas, it took more hours for them and Sarah and Giggly got sick and tired of waiting and standing in the heat.
Sarah and Giggly ran after the stalkers and beat the snot out of them and kicking them off the farm and into some dumpster.
Bill was impressed and could finally sit down.
“Thank ya’ll fer helpin’ me n’ me farm. ‘ere is a lil’ somethin’ for ya’ll hard work.” Bill gave them 800 gold and 8 tickets to Six Flags.
Shun and Ranny cried. “THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE TICKETS!!”
After that, the eight of them didn’t even bother calling either Gill or Elly for their report of their mission. They all just went straight to Six Flags and relaxed.
Elly just got back from her own mission. “Hey Gill, I just noticed, where are Josh, Shun, Sarah, Giggly, Gamer, Jessica, Ranny, and Indy?”
Gill put a finger on her chin and looked up. “Now that you mention it, they went on a mission two weeks ago. They should have been done last week. I wonder where they went.”
Elly just shrugged and replied, “Well, as long as they weren’t being stalked. I heard there are a couple of stalkers causing trouble now-a-days.”
“What the hell are they doing here at Six Flags!!” yelled Shun.
“Damnit! And I thought I get to finally relax and have an awesome vacation!” yelled Ranny.
“Less talk more run!!” yelled Josh.
"AAAAAAAGGHHHHHHHHH" they all yelled and ran as their stalkers from the farm kept running after them.
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Crazy Crew is Where I Belong..

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