»||Element Academy||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi||«
»||Part X||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi||«
»||Part X||«
“So. How did it go?” Bianca looked up from her history textbook she had been studying from. Natalie had just walked in the door after leaving Ryan.
“Amazing.” Natalie glanced at the clock beside Bianca’s bed. 1:46. “What are you still doing up?”
“Huge history test tomorrow. I needed to study.”
Knowing full well that tomorrow was Saturday and they had the same class, Natalie playfully said, “Liar! You just want details.”
Natalie grabbed some pajamas out of her dresser and changed in the bathroom. “Lucky for you, I am willing to give them,” Natalie said as she came out of the bathroom and sat at the edge of her own bed.
“Yay!” Bianca squealed, finally closing her useless history book and turning to face Natalie. “Did he kiss you?”
“Whoa. Hold on. You don’t even know where we went yet.” Then Natalie told Bianca everything. Where they went, what they ate, what they did. Everything.
“Wow,” was all Bianca could say when Natalie finished.
“I know!” Natalie lay down on her bed, pulling the blankets over her. “Like I said, amazing.”
Bianca turned off her lamp and they quickly fell asleep. After all, it was 3:16 a.m. by then.
“Get up,” Bianca said, shaking Natalie. She opened her eyes, rolled over and fell back asleep. “Natalie! Wake up!”
Natalie sat up and looked at Bianca. “What is it?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.
“Cam some other people and I are going to get some breakfast. Do you want to come?”
“Yeah sure,” Natalie answered, sleepily.
Bianca ran over to the closet, grabbed a t-shirt and jeans, then threw them at Natalie. “Wear that.”
Natalie changed and they left the room. Instead of going to the cafeteria, Bianca went out the front door. Cameron and Devon were waiting on the steps for them. Trevor and Demetra were sitting on the grass.
“Tawny went to get her car,” Cameron said as they walked outside.
“Cool,” Bianca said. She sat down next to Devon, leaving Natalie to awkwardly stand in front of them. She was about to sit down when Tawny pulled up in her car and everyone jumped up.
Demetra and Trevor headed for Tawny’s car and Natalie started to follow them, but Bianca pulled her arm. “We are taking Cam’s,” Bianca whispered, pointing to the parked green car.
“Oh,” Natalie mumbled and then climbed into the backseat of the car after Bianca. She couldn’t help but notice that the car was really clean. When her friends in Italy had taken her somewhere, their cars were almost always a mess.
At the restaurant, the hostess led the group to a large table. Natalie sat to the right of Bianca. Devon was on her left. “Hey Natalie,” Cameron said as he sat down in the empty seat next to her.
She looked up and him. He was smiling at her. “Hey. How have you been?”
“Pretty good. Busy with school and all. You know how it is.”
“Yeah. I do.”
The waitress came by and took everyone’s order. A few minutes later, Natalie felt something nudge her leg and she saw Cameron’s knee when she looked down. It was gone almost immediately so she decided not to say anything.
A little while after the food came, Natalie was talking to Bianca and felt something brush against her leg again. This time it stayed there. She slowly turned around and looked at Cameron. He was talking to Trevor. She couldn’t help but notice that his hair had grown longer and he was constantly shaking his head with a quick jerk to get it out of his eyes. “Umm…Cam,” Natalie said interrupting as politely as she could.
He turned to face her. “Yeah?”
“It’s just,” Natalie started, blushing. “Your knee.” She looked down at her leg as he moved it.
“I’m sorry Nat,” Cam said as he looked up at Natalie again. “It was an accident. I won’t let it happen again.” Trevor snickered, but Natalie decided to ignore it.
“So are we ready to go?” Tawny asked. Everyone was done with their breakfast. They all nodded. Natalie started to pull out her wallet, but Bianca stopped her and pointed to Demetra.
“She won’t let anyone pay,” Bianca shrugged and turned back to Devon. Demetra was already at the cash register, paying for the breakfast.
Natalie got up and walked to the door. Demetra was waiting outside for everyone else now. “Thanks Demi. I would have helped pay, but Bianca said --.”
Demetra smiled and cut her off, “Don’t worry about it. I like paying. My family has more than enough money.”
“Okay. Well, thanks again.” The others had come outside and were getting into the cars.
“You’re welcome Natalie,” Demetra called after her as Natalie climbed into Cameron’s car after Bianca. They drove away, heading back to the school.
Community Member
I loved the knee thingy part.
Fricken amazing.
So awkward is was awesomesauce.
Grr, write more nao!