»||Element Academy||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi||«
»||Part XII||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi||«
»||Part XII||«
“So, I heard you had a bad night last night,” Bianca said to break the silence. She and Natalie had been sitting beside the pool for nearly an hour and had barely said a word.
“It was horrible Bee,” Natalie said. She turned her head to look at Bianca. Her eyes glistened with fresh tears.
“I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad, Nat.”
Natalie stared at her, “But it was. Ryan stood me up. I went to the party and he,” she started crying harder and Bianca put her arm around her. “He was making out with Lindsay.”
“I'm so sorry.”
“No Bee. Don't feel sorry for me. You tried to tell me that Ryan wasn't a good guy, but I wouldn't listen.”
“Well, I shouldn't tell you this, but do you want to listen now?”
Natalie nodded, but didn't say a word.
Bianca took a breath, “You know about Cam's dad. Right?”
“Well, Ryan and Cameron used to be best friends. Totally inseparable. Cameron used to be part of the cult and everything.”
“What exactly is the cult?”
“That's kind of hard to explain. It used to be, the cult was the circle of popular people. They totally brainwashed anyone who joined them. Now, they are just a group of friends who don't really have any influence at all.”
“Okay. I think I get it. So Cam was part of the cult?”
“Yeah, but he was different. Cameron is like popular with everyone. He had friend outside of the cult circle.”
Natalie nodded. “You and your friends.”
“Exactly. The cult didn't like that though. Anyways, last year, things changed. Cam's dad got sick and Ryan didn't want him to leave to go see him. He said that he was afraid that Cam wouldn't come back and if he did, that he wouldn't be the same. When his dad died, Cam go really depressed, but he wouldn't go to the funeral.”
“He was ashamed that he didn't leave to go see him before he died.”
“Right. So Cam and Ryan got into this huge fight and haven't really been friends since, but somehow, someone in the cult found out that he liked you.”
Natalie cut her off and slowly said, “And they tried to use me to make him mad again.”
“God, I'm so stupid.”
Bianca shook her head, “You didn't know.”
“Well, I do now. Do you mind if I leave to go find Cam?”
“Go ahead. In fact, I know where he is.”
“Yeah. He's in the garden."
They both stood up and hugged each other. “Thanks Bee.”
“You're welcome Nat.”
Natalie practically ran to the garden. She didn’t know what she would do or say. She only knew that she had to make things right again.
Cameron was sitting against a tree on the edge of the clearing. His eyes were closed, but he wasn’t asleep. Natalie stepped on a leaf and it cracked beneath her feet. Cameron opened his eyes and smiled. “Hey.”
“Hey Cam. Bianca told me where you would be.”
“It’s cool.”
Natalie sat down next to him. “So about last night.”
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t need to know,” Cameron said, cutting her off.
“I was going to say, thanks, and I think you do.” Natalie told him about what Ryan had done.
"Ryan is a jerk. I’m sorry he did that to you.”
“Yeah. Me too,” Cameron just looked at her so she quickly added. “I mean about what he did to you. Bianca told me.”
“Ahh.” They sat there for a few minutes. “So, are you hungry?”
“Me too. Let’s go,” Cameron stood up and offered his hand to Natalie. She took it and he helped her up, but he didn’t let go.
Together, they walked back to the school. The cafeteria was crowded since it was noon on a Sunday. Natalie and Cameron got their food and found Devon sitting at a table with Bianca and Demetra.
“Look who’s coming,” Bianca said softly as she nodded to her left. Sure enough, Ryan was heading straight for them.
Everyone acted as if they didn’t see him. “Natalie, can I talk to you for a second?” Ryan awkwardly asked.
Natalie turned to look at him, “I don’t ever want to talk to you again Ryan.”
“You don’t mean that,” Natalie turned back to the table, ignoring him. “Come on Nat. I made a mistake.”
“Leave me alone Ryan.”
“Natalie,” Ryan started, but Cameron had stood up.
“Dude. She told you to leave her alone. Now get lost.”
Ryan looked at him for a second, as if he couldn’t believe someone had said that. “Cunningham, this doesn’t concern you, so sit back down with your friends.” He said the word friends as if they were disgusting and beneath him.
“Ryan, get over yourself.” Before anyone could even comprehend what was about to happen, Cameron punched Ryan, making him stumble backwards a few steps.
Ryan moved forward again to him Cameron, but Devon was already pulling Cameron out of the cafeteria. Everyone was silent as they watched Cameron leave. Once the doors swung shut, the normal lunchtime noise returned and Ryan disappeared out the door.
Natalie, Bianca and Demetra quietly finished their lunch. Demetra had to do some homework, so she went to her room. Natalie and Bianca went to find Cameron. The found him sitting on the steps outside the school with Devon.
“I cannot believe I just did that,” Cameron was saying.
“He deserved it.”
“He really did,” Bianca said.
Cameron and Devon turned around to see Natalie and Bianca standing behind them. “Hey guys,” Cam said, looking back down.
“Hey,” Natalie said as she and Bianca sad down next to them.
Everyone just sat there, not saying anything. Eventually Devon got up and left, followed by Bianca, claiming they had homework.
Natalie scooted closer to Cameron and broke the silence. “So thanks, for, you know. Back there.”
Cameron glanced at her. “It was no big deal. Would have happened eventually.”
“Yeah. It still means a lot to me.” Natalie softly placed her hand on top of Cameron’s. “I love you Cameron.”
Startled, Cameron just stared at her for a second. “You,” he paused, not exactly about to say what he was about to. “You love me?”
Natalie nodded. “I do. Have for awhile now.”
“Then why were you with Ryan?”
“I didn’t know you felt the same way about me until after Ryan and I were together.”
“Well, you never exactly gave me a chance either.”
“Yeah. Sorry about that.”
They sat quietly for a few minutes, now holding hands and facing each other. Cameron leaned forward and kissed Natalie. When they separated, he whispered, “I love you too, Natalie.”
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