Lo, more marvelous avatar art to behold!! heart
This here just totally made my day, right after spending 6 long, excruciating hours at the driving institute listening about various and (still) mysterious car parts.
Of course, also made by the same Agorna. Hmm, should I call it Agornian? Agornaian? Agornaen? xd

It's so cute, I feel like going "Kyaaaa!", just like a crazy Japanese fan girl! whee
And I somehow need to incorporate it in my post style...
Car things learnt for the day, or rather, incomplete recollections on random car things:
Lubricant = Engine oil = Black oil, in order from container, engine and whatever dripping surface that is available at time of discharge.
Engine oil =/= Gear oil =/= Power steering oil =/= Brake oil
The radiator keeps the car cool, needs to be refilled, with preferably mineral water as normal tap water has chlorine that rusts whatever parts the radiator is made of.
The radiator is kept cool by a fan thing that runs only when the engine is started, said fan thing has a hose attached, change when discovered to have expanded.
There are 3 types of coolants, for best results, use the red Toyota one instead of the green one. Coolants also apparently looks oily. Coolants go into the radiator.
The air conditioning unit has a compressor and a condenser. The compressor apparently, is powered by gas, costing approximately $2 for every 5 kilometers, with AC unit on of course. Cooling coil in AC has to be serviced every 2 years to prevent it from clogging up and then leaking water.
The battery is... well, a heavy squarish block with nut-like screw on heads. Maintenance free batteries do not require people to water them, but when they go flat, they will not start, at all.
The spark plug... erm, sparks the engine? Is attached to the battery? Sparks the battery? ...?