"Just 'cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't be tough.
I wanna be just like my idols James 'Wild Bill' Hickok
and Calamity Jane"
Score: 4.44. (13th place)
James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok and Martha Jane Cannary "Calamity Jane" Burke

William Frederick "Buffalo Bill" Cody and Phoebe Ann "Annie Oakley" Mosey

Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill


I'm a huge fan of this old show. Most of the names are real,
some names were changed due to lack of evidence.
It's believed the character Louise McCloud is actually Calamity Jane.
Jane claimed to be a Pony Express Rider, but there isn't enough
evidence to prove she was with the riders.
The idea for the show is based from the real
Pony Express Riders, but the stories in the show are fictitious.