Critique from cherub_Shagami at Mini's Catwalk:
"Gothique Soiree: A bulky dress that works!
Great layering with the dress and good
color matching.
~My Venting Space ~
Cherub's critique is the only one worth putting
here (that I've read so far) because she left her
personal tastes outside and critiqued it on the
observances it should be critiqued on and not
how the "critic" downrates due to their own
personal likes or dislikes on certain items.
(That is very close-minded and negative to
downrate for those reasons kids!)
I do get VERY VERY tired of hearing my entries
are simple. My avi's are not simple. Only because
I don't have mountains of layers and scars on the
faces does not mean mine are simple. The word for
my style is "clean" and "would-be realistic".
By saying mine are simple is like saying mine are
only worth the effort like those of the 100's with
"I was bored and threw this together" entries we see
through the pages upon pages.Give me a break!.
What do these kids expect?
One saying, it needs this and another says it
needs that. This is why I don't appreciate petty
picking "critiquing". And I don't care about how
many times it's shoved down my throat about it
being their opinions. It's called negative thinking
and I guarantee it will get you in trouble IRL if you
don't stop and smell the roses.
All-in-all, it isn't encouraging to hear petty stuff.
Those who believe the ripping and shredding a win
should inspire an artist to do better. That is military
ways and this is not the military. So, take a chill pill
kids and relax. Stop being so freaking uptight and
we'll all get along so much better.
But Wait! After writing this journal post I just now
found a stupid critique I want to add here. A perfect
example of what I'm venting about.
Call me Peachez's Critique/Rate thread:
"9th Place: Gothique Soiree
How on EARTH did you afford TWO highwire Belladonna's?!
Can i like, marry you or something and take all your gold?
I GOT IT! I'll marry you, then divorce you six months later
to get your gold... Ah, good ideas xD Moving on, i don't
think it's a good avatar. It's placed well though, and that's
about it. The dress is a major block, and the hair doesn't
match anything. I would have liked a sleeved dress with
those same colors, and maybe some heels. Other then that,
i think it's good. But not great. 3/5"
Hold on! Keep my personal finances out of it!
What does that have to do with critiquing my av?!
It's none of your business and just plain rude
to make comments about anyone's gold/money.
Geez louise! didn't mommy and daddy
teach you those things? Apparently not.
And where on Gaia earth am I supposed to
find a sleeved dress with those colors.
Why expect the impossible and just accept
that maybe the items used are for a reason.
rolleyes The Black Lace is supposed to be part of the
outfit.The hair, by all means, matches.
Hello... zoom the image and you will see.
To show off the color better I added the cincher.
Is any of that observed? No.
Ok, first you say it's not a good avatar and then
at the end you say it's good. *sigh*. Where do
they leave their brains?