He was with her wherever she went. If Katherine went on vacation she would catch his reflection in something as trivial as a puddle or just before she blinked as she stared at a collection of trees. His face was most of the memories of Katherine's childhood. To be honest though, she did not mind. A smile always graced his handsome features and everytime she saw him, the man looked completely the same. When divulging this to her mother she had seemed unconcerned as if this was nothing more then a child's fantasy and Katherine had only just summoned the courage. It was a strange feeling to question your own sanity and in the days after being turned down by her mother, she found herself wandering the edge of the forest. In the few outings with her mother to gather flowers they had never gone farther then a couple yards in if something peculiar caught their eye. Now, with her hand outstretched and grazing the bark of a sturdy oak, she peered back over her shoulder. No one would know and looking back at the line of trees awaiting her, Katherine could have sworn she saw the mystery man's head just disappearing. With a determined frown, she set forward her eyes scanning the area ahead of her. If there was any better time to confront him then it would be now. What gave him the right to do this to her all her life? And if he did not exist, maybe she could challenge herself and make him go away? This raw passion carried her mile after mile into the forest but as the sun dipped below the horizon a fear crept into her limbs to numb the fury. Katherine no longer had any sense of direction or where she was. The speed of her steps slowly decelerated to a stop and clasping her arms around her defensively she tried to get some hint of location. Nothing but row after row of trees. A brisk wind wound around the trees and shivering she kept moving forward realizing that she had to keep warm. In the hope of rescue though, Katherine called out hoping as well that it would scare away any animals. "Hello? Is anyone out here?"
((PM me to continue. My idea was you to be a vampire, werewolf, some kind of fantastic creature that had found her as a baby to be his soulmate and followed her to make sure she was always safe.
I am open for other ideas as long as you have one or are willing to cooperate so please PM me!))