Being human Angel craved more than a life on the base though. Television had given her ideas of finding love with a rugged stranger in the city and living the life of baking cookies for three children and in complete bliss. She had attempted to sneak out of the base many times but her bright blond hair was hard to miss if even one strand fell lose of one of the caps she tried to hide it under and days would pass where they would lock her away in her room and feed her food by passing a plate through a small rectangle on the bottom of the floor. It was these days that she craved human contact outside of the military even more and though she begged and pleaded the leaders of her program would always tell her no. Much to the disappointment they would feel soon enough, the unknown recesses of the mind were powerful indeed and she had kept it secrets to herself. Angel could move things with her mind alone and had even influenced men's actions with her thoughts and passed her thoughts to them and read theirs. It was magical indeed and once she felt comfortable with them she planned on making her grand escape and only return when they were ready to negotiate. That time never came though as some leak or inkling of truth in a rumor reached a terrorist group outside of the country.
All the camp had heard was the low hum of fighter planes and with no reports of arrivals the camp fell to chaos. Not many were trained for aerial attacks on such an average base and with no one to watch her Angel ran out on her own. By the time she stepped outside though the camp was already smoking. The first plane was obviously intent on making everyone run outside and it was immediately clear what their plan was. Smoke out the camp's only woman and they could use her to find the weapon, unless they already knew what she was. Desperate and with panic thick in her throat Angel made the easiest escape of her life, running through the main gate and went on and on and on until her feet could not carry her any longer. The camp had been built just a mile off of the beach and a forest sheltered the back as if to mimic every kind of terrain the men could ever have to endure. Gasping for breath and with the hem of her white nightgown filthed she sat down heavily on a boulder and buried her head in her hands. Though the man was not her father, Angel craved his paternal gestures and words that, for reasons beyond reason, comforted her and she stared up into the sky. They were going to be looking for her and she could only hope that the black-masked people she had seen would not swoop down on her unsuspecting form because as she sat there she was completely helpless and in the open meadow she might as well be a bright star crashed on the Earth. Despair made her want to turn herself in but her feet were planted to the floor with an emotional weight that was completely new to her sheltered life.
((PM me to continue or do another roleplay! My idea was that you would swoop down on a helicopter but you can be whatever you want. Let the creative juices flow!))