This is my adorable kitty Dizzy.<3
I love her very much, and would die if anything happend to her.
She is three years old, and a female.(Thats why I've been saying 'she'.)
She is fixed and de-clawed.( Mommy wouldn't let her keep her claws.. ) And after she was de-calwed for like, two weeks she gave my mom the nastiest looks...lol.
Her full name is Disney, but we call her Dizzy for short. (We have this thing, so we name all our cats after Walt Disney characters, but none of the ones that were left quite suited her.)
She is very cuddly, but she doesn't much like cuddling on your lap.... She likes to make you go down and cuddle with her on the floor, lol. Or, if shes already on the couch/chair, she'll let you pet her and cuddle and stuff, or she'll run away.
She isn't very fond of new people, so it takes some time before she gets used to you. After about a month she doesn't mind having you around.
She is my best friend, and I think that she could be your best friend too.
She also is very clumsy. She often tends to run in to chairs and boxes( and I mean really run into them, face first).
Example, one time I was walking, and I turned the corner to go in the hall, and all of the sudden.... BASH! She runs into my leg and falls over. I felt so bad, but luckily, she was okay.I knew she was okay, because when I went to give her a hug and apoligize, she got up, shook her head, and ran off.
Ya, my lovable kitty murdered the cats always land on their feet rule. Once she fell over, and landed on her side. She looked Dead, I was really worried, but when I went to pick her up she had already got up, and ran away xd (and I went to pick her up, like, not even a minute after she fell. Also at the time I was only nine, so, you can imagine how a felt, a nine year old, in fear of her beloved cat being dead..XD)
I am writing this not only because I'm bored(though thats part of the reason), I am also writing this because I feel a need to let everyone know about my baby. So they can know how cute she is, and how great she is, and how much we all love her. heart
Well, that about wraps it up!
I hope you all love her (nearly) as much as I do!
Silver Poison
Silver Poison
Community Member