So this picture is just poop xp I was forced to sit on that damn Santa's lap. -_-.. I had to make a good image, telling the other kids that the Santa isn't dangerous, I bet he was a retired rapist or something o.<;
Onward xD
School was a bit of a bore today -__-. Didn't really do much, I have to return my interm, signed x___x; I'm in crap.. gonk I'll prolly show Mum after I come back from the movies <__<;;; Hehehehe x3. Well, I got off ze bus, and walked to my friends house, well... I actually caught her getting off her bus, so we just walked xD.. It was hilarious though, I won't get into much detail about that, why? I'm lazy. I went skating again, and I think I screwed up my ankle, it just hurts x__x; I landed my Salchow, and then this pain just went KJDGLJasdfj in my leg, so I just don't know now xp After that me and mum went to Kroger and bought stuffs... I got a new Shampoo, Garnier x33... smells really good xD. Then I did my Civics homework, YES. I DID HOMEWORK. BUAHAHAHAHA. >:] I'm proud ~^0^~ Nothing else xD..
Oh, 'xpt I had Taco Bell x3 <333
</3 .: Rina :. <3
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