Whee, tis my eye ^___^... Well, half my eye xD.. Why? Because I was falling asleep when my friend took that piccur ._.; I actually have big eyes.. gonk I hate them xP.
Yeah, so it feels like I haven't been on gaia forever xD.. *sigh* I went to the movies yesterday, along with Duylamie, Amy, Alexis, Brian, Kevin, Marvin, and Me 4laugh Pin was supposed to come, but that fart is still sick =( Poor thingeh gonk Ahh.. we watched Ring II, well, my friends watched it, I didn't gonk I was too busy hiding under my jacket while Brian was forcing me to watch the movie o-<... Didn't work very well actually xp But Lexi (Alexis) got this stalker-guy's phone number.. well, he gave it to her xD.. he wouldn't leave us alone! xp So, he came and sat next to Alexis, which just messed up the whole "seating arrangements"... So I had to tell him to move. "Can you move down one?" I said to him yea? And his reply "Why? But, what you say?" I said, "CAN YOU MOVE DOWN", louder. xD.. and he did, nyeh.. he was a basterd anyways. So, half-way into the movie, Alexis swtiched seats with Brian, and sat next to me, telling me "Gawd I wish he would go, he's grabbing my hand every ******** time" xD.. I started cracking up at her. Ahh.. but yes, and I just don't feel like typing everything else xp But I really had fun ^-^.. <3
</3 .: Rina :. <3
Music: Rich Girl <- -_-; Why am I listening to this.. -____-''