"You look so beautiful, Rose! Tonight will be an absolute dream..." Quinn's voice trailed off dreamily as she pinned up the last loose strand of Rose's hair into the ornate bun perched atop the crown of her head. Smiling at Quinn through the reflection of the mirror in front of her, Rose reached her hand up and grasped her nanny's chubby forearm. "It is only going to be amazing because you have made me so gorgeous. If I were allowed a plus one, you would be it." The days of her childhood were quickly leaving her as the girl that had once sat inches away from the television screen was now blossoming into a young woman at the prime age of nineteen. Despite the years of difference though, not much had changed. Rose still lived with her parents and they were just as absent as they had been before, if not more. A few years ago, her father had joined a new firm where he had presented his new models for the next generation's weapons. It had meant very little to her that her father was going to help make these ideas into reality, but Rose had recalled how frightened her mother had become since then. Sometimes Rose would overhear her murmuring about 'if they knew about this' and 'the balls on that man' and she a seed of doubt would be planted in her mind. It had crossed her mind more than once that the details of the new blueprints were spawned from those that her father had helped to create in his old country, and anyone who found out would not be pleased. Then again, what could happen? They get sued? Rose would have actually like that fairly well if it meant they could start again with a more simple lifestyle. Just herself, Mama, and Papa.
A car horn burped once from outside their lavish home and standing up, Rose gave Quinn a quick hug around her soft middle and hurried down the front steps. Tonight was the firm's ball for sleazy deal makings and her father had urged her to join them after the first hour or so when the speeches had ended and he could show her off to all of his higher ups and partners. While it sounded dirty spoken out loud, Rose's father still thought of her as a little girl and imagined that it was nothing more than presenting his beautiful family to create a better image for himself. The sleek black dress she wore suggested no little girl though as it hugged her curves intimately. A necklace dripping tears of diamonds covered the bare skin around her collarbone and matching earrings adorned her ears, making her feel a bit like a princess.
Outside the night air was chilly and mindful of the hem of her gown, Rose scurried to the backseat of the car, sliding in and buckling in quickly. Her parents had just gotten back from China and this was to be their first face-to-face meeting in nearly two months. The moment the door closed behind her, the car pulled away from the front of the house and, despite the tinted windows between them, Rose waved enthusiastically at Quinn who waved from the front door as if she knew that Rose was wishing her a happy evening.
The minutes ticked by slowly and Rose began to fiddle with her clutch nervously. She had always had this nightmare that one day she would see her parents after they had been away for an extended amount of time and they would suddenly turn their noses up at her like a dirty mutt and leave her behind for good. This was the main reason that Rose endeavored constantly to be the best at anything she was thrown at. The glint of her tube of lipstick sitting at the bottom of her clutch excited Rose's twitchy fingers and grasping it immediately she pulled down the mirror, uncapping the tube as her lips pouted outwards to accept the wax.
It was as the make up was about to touch her lips though that the world seemed to be thrown sideways. She screamed in surprise, her body thrown against the side of the car, flushed cheek pressed against the window as the car rolled onto it's side. Her head snapped against the glass and her vision went dark.
What felt like hours had to be only a few seconds though as, when her eyes opened, she was still in the car and the screech of tires echoed in her ears as a car pulled up. Rose's limbs felt as if they had been stuffed with lead and she groaned as she tried to undo her seat belt to get out of the vehicle. Her driver's door was already opened and she felt her forehead furrow and, at first, she didn't know why. It was then that she recalled her friendship with him. Why would he leave if she were still trapped in the car? A violent pop suddenly resounded from the side of the car and she screamed, her body suddenly light as adrenaline coursed through her veins. Her fingers fumbled with the buckle and sliding out of it she kicked off her heels and managed to scramble up to the driver's seat, hoisting herself out. Within seconds though, large hands were grasping at her arms, forcing the rest of her out of the car and dragging her down the road roughly, her feet stepping on glass and rocks alike as she was pulled towards another vehicle. Her pitiful screams for help fell on deaf ears as she was pushed into the vehicle and panting in fear she narrowly escaped with her feet as the door was slammed behind her and the car suddenly sped away. "St-Stop! Who are you? Where are you taking me?"
((PM me to continue! : D))