(This is the first chapter to my story. I got the inspiration from a Sango/Miroku fanfiction, so the basic plot line doesn't belong to me....)
The moon was out now and its silver light played across the street, casting long shadows around her. The building she was trying to find was one that had once been a church, but it was run down and hadn't been used in years. "Not with the kind of stuff that goes on there now," Arisa thought to herself ruefully. The "church" was definitely old. The stone pathway that lead to the front doors were cracked and were grown over with weeds and moss. The graves that stood in the yard were washed in the silver light of the moon, giving them an even creepier appearance. Trying not to think about what might be only six feet below her, Arisa carefully made her way through the yard. The church itself was in horrible condition and looked like as if it would fall apart if the wind were hard enough. Her footsteps were barely heard on the dry, cracked steps that led to the doors. Taking a deep breath, Arisa quietly walked in the old sanctuary. Everything was covered in thick layers of spider webs and dust. Her silent feet kicked up a lot of dust and she tried very hard not to sneeze. Why did her employer pick this place to meet?
"Enter Arisa."
Even after working for Respierre for eight years, that voice still sent a chill up her spine. Turning around, Arisa saw a figure standing in the shadows near the door she had just entered. Why could she never detect his presence?
"I already did." she said sarcastically as she tossed a bag her employer's way.
With lightning speed, he snatched it out of the air.
"Did you have problems getting this over the border?"
Arisa sneered at the memory of trying to get the decapitated head into the country without being caught.
"Not really, but you'd think they'd have higher security after their ambassador was assassinated."
Respierre eyed his young agent suspiciously. The long gash that ran down her arm and the new scratch on her face proved that her escape was as easy as she had said.
"No one saw you right?" Arisa swallowed past the lump that had formed in her throat.
"Well," she began, "There was this one guy, but I took care of him. But other than that, I don't think anyone saw me."
He nodded as he tossed her a bag of coins.
"As we agreed, and in there is also the necklace I promised to track down for you."
Arisa quickly opened the bag and found a small amulet laying on top the coins. It was the one that had been left to her by her mother, who had died when she was only four. Before she died, she had given her that necklace that she swore to keep the rest of her life. But during a mission awhile back, it had gotten lost, so her employer promised to find it and pay a handsome sum if she would eliminate a problem for him. That problem had been Ambassador Quenen, of Ministari. She didn't know what her employer had against him, but she really care either way. Staring down at the amulet, she quickly put it on and swore never to lose it again. When she looked up again, Respierrs was gone.
"Good riddance," she thought to herself as she walked out of the old church as silently as she had come in.
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Random Little Story of mine
um... i was bored one day and started writing this. its called arisa the assassin.
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