(sorry it's been so long since i've posted a new chapter... not that anyone was reading it, but that's ok. here's chapter... uh i dont but its a chapter so who cares? mrgreen rolleyes )
Arisa tossed and turned in her bed, sweat beading on her forehead. Giving up entirely on sleep, she tossed her sheets aside and climbed out of bed. Her black hair was sticking to her neck and the heat was becoming unbearable. Opening her window, she allowed the cool evening air to enter. Taking in a deep breath of fresh air, she looked out the window, and down on the empty streets below. There was a slight movement on the ground below and Arisa could see a dark figure walking through the darkness. To anyone else, it would just have been anyother beggar on the street, but she knew better. The snow white hair gave him away. Kale. Stepping back from the window, she quickly tossed on a pair of slacks and her cloak.
Peering through the window again, she could see him making his way towards the edge of town. Swinging one leg over the window sill, Arisa sat on it and calculated how far it would be to jump. Shifting position, she lowered herself so she was hanging from the ledge with her hands, she dropped the to the ground in a silent couch. Kale might not have the pendant, but odds were, whoever he was going to see did. Staying in the shadows, she was able to keep up with him for a few miles before he disappeared into an alley.
Leaving the safety of the shadows, Arisa walked over to where he had been. She could see where his footsteps stopped, but his were the only ones there.
"Its impossible! No one can disappear like that.."
"Disappearing is the easy part, its not so easy reappearing."
The voice came from behind her, and when she turned to see the owner of said voice, no one was there.
"Where the hell are you, Kale?"
There was a chuckle behind her.
"Behind you."
She turned around again, but just like before, there was nothing there.
"Arisa, why are you out this late at night? Don't you need your beauty sleep or something like that?"
Damn it, to think, the top assassin, being outsmarted by a low class thief.
"I could ask you the same question."
She turned to walk away, but was face to face with Kale.
"Then why don' you?"
His face was mere inches from hers and she could feel his warm breathe on her lips.
Arisa wanted to punch him, kick him, do all sorts of horrible things to him, but her body went paralyzed under his gaze. Purple eyes met ruby red ones.
"You're still looking for your pendant huh? Tsk tsk, you are stubborn aren't you?"
Forcing her gaze away from his, Arisa tooked a step back.
"You're calling me stubborn?"
He leaned in a little closer to her, his lips almost grazing hers.
"Yes." he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You could end this all right now. Yet you insist on making things difficult on yourself. I never give anything for free. And I, being a nice guy, am offering your pendant back to you for the price of a kiss. Now tell me, which do you think is more stubborn?"
Arisa kept taking steps back until her back hit against the smooth wall of a builing.
She cursed herself for not bringing her weapons with her, and though she knew han-to-hand combat, after his disappearing trick, she assumed that there was alot more to this not-so-simple thief.
Kale stood right in front of her now, his hands placed on either side of herhead against the wall. Just like when they had met the night before.
Arisa couldn't find her voice.
Kale took a step back. Flashing a smile he turned to leave.
"I'll leave you to think on that. Oh, and don't bother following, I know you'd never be able to keep up..."
Arisa glared holes into the back of his head, and prepared to rush and tackle him.
Right when she jumped, he disappeared...again.
Picking herself off the ground, she could hear him chuckling.
She couldn't believe it, just couldn't believe it.
Who could sneak up behind a trained assassin silently and disappear in the blink of an eye.
Arisa gasped.
"A ninja?"
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Random Little Story of mine
um... i was bored one day and started writing this. its called arisa the assassin.
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