Well, I was really bored so I kinda planned ahead and started writing my journal in class.
In class, bored as hell pretty much. That's only because its break and I don�t like anybody in this class. I got my last essay back and I got a D- on it. I actually got a C-, but since I was sick it was brought down. it really sucks, but I already expected as much. That's what I get for writing a 3 page paper an hour before class. the funny thing is, I DO IT AN HOUR BEFORE CLASS and I get a C- on them usually. so I know that if I try that i would get an A or B. I guess that's enough for me. I saw Kelly writing in her journal today, well at least I think it was her journal. well, I started to wonder what she writes. I guess it mostly consists of how she misses Orlando, hates her dad, and wonders about me. But I still actually want to read it, I'm just a nosey person. I've also been thinking about what I said last journal, about my paranoia and the "things" that kill me. I've decided to try and draw them, 1 because I think it would be awesome and 2, I think people want to see inside my head. Heh... I just realized I'm in English and that I'm probably putting more effort into this then that half-a** essay I just turned in. I'll probably get a D- on that too.
Lets see... what other random thoughts can I get out in the remaining break. Kelly dyed her hair black today, now we match! She's so ******** hot. My brother got black make-up from Halloween all over the bathroom and it looks really bad now. well, that's all I got for now. Wow took up about 20 minutes of class, AWESOME.
the end
 just a doodle of one of the things.. -grin-
melidserke · Wed Nov 10, 2004 @ 04:53am · 0 Comments |