I just got my second wind so I'm going to continue and hopefully it won't have a third part. So I believe I left off with why Shonobu is at the hinata apartments. Because of Keintaro saving her from going into a blackhole of shyness and failing in life she has develoed a crush for him. Not just a silly childhood crush but as in in love with him. She is not only forever grateful for him saving her she's actually likes him for his personality and his looks. Now Naru, Motoko, Mutsumi, Kaolla(which might be from the whole older brother thing), Sara I think has a crush on keintaro(like a childhood crush because when one person terrorizes another person it means there in love) not saying for sure but it might be, and of coarse Shonobu. Each persons crush is different Naru just flat out says she doesn't like him, but really they have a huge romance. Motoko doesn't admit it but she and Keitaro are lovers but Naru stole Keintaro's heart and keeps it in a locked box and is drove to open it by love like curiosity drove Pandora. Mutsumi loves Keintaro and the whole thing about there love is that she was in his childhood and stuff so that's confusing. I've already explained Kaolla, Sara, and Shonobu. Now each one has there advantages and disadvantages for Keintaro(No offense to any girls out there who think I think I can analyze them,I don't think I can analyze I"m just simplifying the information from the show I'm not a perverted jerk like Kentaro). Naru beats the sh*t out of Keintaro all the time even when it's not his fault, but there love is so strong and passionate they could try to kill one echother and make up for it. Motoko is a whole different story. She still beats the sh*t out of Keintaro but there love is hidden beneath a fabric of Keintaro's love for Naru. Mutsumi is like a girl Keintaro except she faints a lot. But her love cannot compare with Naru's love. Kaolla, and Sara are not for certain, and Shonobu Is very special. Se loves Keintaro. It is not only a felling of debt but of passion. She thinks that he is strong (that's true considering how much the other girls beat up on him, he had to fall off a two/three story building to sprain his ankle, and had to fall off of Tokyo U and have the big metal thing fall on him just to break his leg) and has good looks. Her advantages and disadvantages for Keintaro are she doesn't beat the sh*t out of him and when ever the other girls beat the sh*t out of him she asks if shes OK. Also she cooks, washes the dishes(she does this for all the residence of the hinata apartments but she does it specially for Keintaro),and does his laundry (reference love hina episode 27 spring special). Now besides his love for Naru age is the only thing that separates them. He is 6-8 years older than her (depending on if its the manga or anime. That wouldn't be a problem if they were both in there twenties but he is 20 and she is in junior high. In fact Shonobu is 11 years 1month older than me. The love hina series takes place in the ninteen nindys. The birthday was giving to me by the H.K.S.S. (her kawaniiness secret serveses of which I'm not a member of but I still like Shonobu). When I was reading some comments on youtube someone said that if they could jump into love hina they would beat the sh*t out of Naru because she always beat the sh*t out of Keintaro whenever he did something wrong even by accident like when tama opened the door to the hot springs and keintaro was wright in front of the door. Well I was thinking what I would do if I could just jump into in. I would find Keitaro ( I would jump in episode like 13-15or16 the kissing episode) then I would punch him so hard it would (Insert something really bad here). Then I'd tell him to kiss Shonobu. I tell him It was her fr*ck*n dream to get her first kiss with him. I tell him to ask Kaolla, and Akkico for her sketch book. A little friend didn't come to school so we came up with theories about what happened to him. I came up with some chick (sorry if I offend any girls for saying chick (I will probably use this term a lot)) got jealous of something so they ran him through(NOTE: this was before I watched episode 6 and ran him through means stabbed him and it went all the way through him). Then when I watched episode 6 the video was perfect to illustrate my theory!!! OMG!!!!! I WAS SO SURPRISED. My last comment for this post. In the last episode of the entire love hina series when Shonobu played Rock Paper Scissors with Naru for Keintaro Naru said "I knew how you felt about him but I still went out on dates with him." and Shonobo replied " Me too... I shared dip. She had actualy went out on two dates with him. Once during the carnival episode, and once during the Christmas special. P.S. I know this sounds stupid but do girls really play R.P.S. for Guys??? P.P.S. please tell me what you would do if you could jump into love hina P.P.P.S. OMG OMFG OMFLC OMFLJC OMFMOLJC Did I just do that???? Shonobu is actually spelled Shinobu. OH *********************************************************************