Sorry I haven't posted for a while(if anyone is reading this currently). There's so much homework and with scouts and my mom doesn't want me to use my computer for non- schoolwork. I've also been writing a story in my spare time for fun, and for practice for the love hina sequel I'm making. If I'm not mistaken Naru and Keintaro get married at the end of the manga, but I don't own it so I'm basing my sequel off the anime. I don't have a main focus for this post so I'll just improvise until I think of something. So anyways I was thinking of all the Shinobo/Shinobu and Keintaro tributes. I do like them and they always make me cry. I think they should use faster music thou. The song love stinks, the one they use on the swiffer wet jet commercials. I think that would be the perfect song for a Shinobu and Keintaro love tribute. It would show Shinobu sitting there looking real sad then it would show her sketch book with the drawing of her and Keintaro kissing. Then it would show Keintaro and Naru about to kiss or looking dreamily at each other. Then Shinobu would look horrified at the sight of that a couple times and then it would show Shinobu and Keintaro in the sketch book and then repeat with different pictures except for the sketch book book picture. And if only love stinks was slower and deeper it would be perfect. Know if anyone finds or makes one like that Please send me the name of the video and user name of the publisher. OK, so I'm drawing a blank on what to talk about, but I did notice something about episode two. If you look at Shinobus mouth really closely when she says "Shinobo's super special party menu." right at the end of Shinobo you can see her teeth. I don't know if you see them anytime else, but I know you also see Keintaro's teeth a lot. OK I have no idea what I should type about so good by until next time(which may be awhile).